Like or Not

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Chapter 14:


"Stop it! Stop it!" I heard the constant, yelling. I covered my ears, trying to block out every smack, every cry. I felt the tears stringing my eyes, but I never wiped them away, too afraid to remove my hands from my ears. I didn't want to be sucked into the violence around me.

"FUCK YOU! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOURS AND LOUIS!" He yelled, louder than ever before, and I flinched. My hands couldn't block out the noise. They weren't soundproof, and neither were the walls. How I wished they were.

"NO!" I heard another cry and then I was jumping out of my bed. I ran to my door and opened it, light flooding through and filling my room. I blinked a bit, getting accustomed to the light after having been in the darkness for a while.

I alnost took a step out of my room when a voice that chilled me to the bone growled "Get back in your fucking room, NOW!" I froze, slowly turning and seeing nothing but two shadows, but I knew who the people were. One was on the ground, broken and bruised, and the other was standing- all the power inside of their palms.

"Wh-what's going on?" I asked, stuttering up my words. I was absolutely terrified and mortified. "Tell him it's okay." The voice said. No reply, nothing, silence. Then, louder, rougher. "TELL HIM IT'S OKAY!" I heard, and I cringed back in fear at the authority.

"Louis, i-it's okay. Go back to your room." I heard, and I whimpered. I didn't believe it was okay, but what could I do? I nodded, turning around and walking into my room before I heard it- the one sound that changed my life. Took the person I cared about away. I opened the door and ran into the hallway, but then it all faded to black.

I was shaking when I woke up. Terrified as my eyes scanned the room around me. I was in a panic, wondering where I was and what happened. My heart was pounding, until I felt a softness against my arm. Strangely, it calmed me down and I turned to see Harry's hair against my arm.

I calmed down, looking at the beautiful boy that lay beside me. He was snuggled up close to me, dressed in absolutely nothing at all, but he looked so innocent. My heart warmed, something that I haven't felt in a long time. I haven't cared for someone this much in a long time, and, to be honest, it scared the hell out of me.

I don't know what Zayn and Liam thought, I don't know what the public will think if we get caught, and I sure don't know what Harry thinks, but he's way more than just a toy to me. I just don't know if I should show how much I care for him. What if that pushed him away? What if he only wants the sex? What if he would just want to go home?

Harry's twitched a bit in his sleep, and I felt his arm wrap around mine. His head shifted down, his curls also touching my arm, and I felt tears want to spill. I hated crying. I hated showing emotions, but Harry brought them out. He made me care.

I looked down at him, feeling my heart swell with emotions. He was the only thing that made me feel something other than this anger that has consumed my life since that day. I wanted to protect him, but I was hurting him in a way. I was keeping him here, keeping him from his family. For money.

No, it started out for money, but now it's more than that. I remember the first day I saw Harry. I saw a beautiful boy being pinned against the wall by Zayn. I felt my blood boil at that scene in front of me, but I had no idea why back then. I know now. Zayn touched what was mine. Harry was mine, even if he wanted someone else, I'd let him love them, but my heart would never let him go.

Harry stirred a bit, and I decided that the couch was so uncomfortable. He deserved someplace nice and soft. Not his room. That room probably reminded him of those dark nights he spent alone when he first got here. No, he deserves a bed for a king.

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