I Want You

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Sorry it took a while to update! I'm a bit busy with school work, but OMG Made in the A.M. is my life!!

Chapter 11:

There was nothing but a long tunnel, a light at the end of it. I was running, but the light only seemed to get further and further away. I tried to run, but it was then that I noticed the chain that was wrapped around me ankle, hearing the constant clack, clack, clack of the chain against the ground. I was running in place.

I turned around, my eyes suddenly adjusting to the darkness around me. I saw the shadow of someone standing right behind me. It was such a familiar shadow, and I found myself wanting to reach out and grab it. It was like my body craved to be near it, around it, with it.

"Do you want to leave? The light is waiting." It whispered. I has forgotten that the light was even there at the end of the tunnel, so mesmerized by the darkness that currently surrounded me. I looked back at the light, which seemed closer than it ever was before. I could leave, but would I? This darkness was so compelling.

"All you have to do is unhook the chain. I won't stop you." The shadow said in such a sweet, soothing voice. Even though it didn't touch me, it seemed to wrap around me and caress me with its voice. It was a tantalizing touch, filling me with the sense of the danger it possessed. Yet, I still wanted to stay.

The chain was easy to unhook. I looked down at it, seeing that it was only slipped through a metal loop in the ground. I could just pull it free and then leave- walk straight into the light that led away from this dark place, but it didn't feel right to leave. I couldn't leave because I felt like the pull of the darkness was far too much.

"Gonna go?" The voice asked in a curious voice. I shook my head and sat down on the cold ground. The cement felt rough and cool against the palm of my hands. I looked up at the shadow and noticed a new feature it possessed, an incredible white smile that I knew was familiar. I knew who it belonged to.

"Harry." I heard someone whisper my name, and my eyes cracked open. I opened my eyes and looked around my room, seeing Liam standing beside my bed. "Hey, c'mon. I have to show you something." He said. I was sleepy and confused, but I still followed him anyways.

As I followed him down the hall, the dream I had played through my mind. I knew what every piece of that dream symbolized, and I knew that my dream self was only doing what I was currently doing. Staying. Staying because of the shadow- Louis.

"Sit down." Liam ordered once we got into the living room. I was so confused as he walked over to the TV and grabbed the remote. Why were we watching TV so late?

"Liam, what..? What are we doing?" I asked, so tired. I rubbed my eyes, but Liam only told me to sit down once again. I finally followed his orders, feeling much too tired to stand any longer anyways.

I sat on the soft couch and felt the warm and cozy fabric beneath me. The feel of the comfort was lulling me back to sleep, but I was quickly sitting in my seat as Liam turned the TV on and I saw my mum's face on the screen. "Wha-?" I asked, scooting closer to the TV.

"I recorded it when Louis and Zayn weren't here. I think you deserve to know that people are still looking for you, still caring, and I don't think they're gonna give up anytime soon. They seem very dedicated." He said. My heart swelled up with love and hope and my eyes with tears.

Liam pressed play and then a news reporter spoke before my mum did. "The Styles family gives their speech about the search for their son." I paid so much attention when my mum spoke, feeling like she was right here with me, but knowing she was still at home.

"I regret leaving him home alone." She began, and that broke my heart. She shouldn't blame anything on herself. None of them should. "He's only sixteen, but I thought he'd be fine. We've gone away before. He- he never wanted to miss school and he always had his friend with him. I thought- I thought he would be okay!" She said, her voice breaking near the end and she fisted the tissue that was in her hand before she continued.

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