Past Times

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LOUIS GOT 28! Larry is real AF!

Chapter 15:


"Would you just stop pacing?" I asked Zayn. It was only eleven at night, and I was trying to get some sleep, but he kept walking back and forth in my bedroom. He was complaining before about wanting to go back to the house, but now he was only mumbling to himself.

"How can you not be worried, Liam? Harry, the Harry that we both fancy, is alone with Louis. Louis! He could be hurting him for all we know!" Zayn said. I have only seen this vulnerable, caring Zayn a few times, and I always cherished the moments I did. It made me feel like he actually was human.

"Zayn, you and I both know that Louis feels something for Harry, even if he doesn't know it yet. You can tell by the way he looks at him and goes soft for him whenever he's around. You could tell being cruel to Harry hurt him a lot, and I think that Louis is just scared." Zayn sighed, but sat on the end of the bed.

"I know. I know, okay? But sometimes I just wish it wasn't that way. Sometimes I wish I could be in Louis's place because I see the way Harry looks at him as well. It's like, they're just drawn to each other. In a way, it is dangerous for us all." He said, and I understood what he meant.

"I know. It could hurt them the most, though." I said, feeling even sleepier already, but then Zayn exploded up again. I only sighed, thinking of how I can calm him down so I can get some sleep. This was getting very annoying, and I was too sleepy to deal with a moody Zayn.

"That's why I'm questioning if we made the right decision by leaving them alone! Don't you even care, Liam?" He said, but I stayed silent, feeling my eyelids getting heavier. "Liam!" Zayn said, grabbing my shoulder and shaking me. "Stop being a lazy fuck and talk to me!" He said, and that was it. I had enough.

I sat up in bed, Zayn's face almost hitting mine, but that didn't make me flinch or feel any less anger towards him. He was seriously getting on my nerves. "Yes, Zayn, I do care. I like Harry, a lot. I would give anything to be the one he's into so that Louis would never make a mistake, but I'm not. He likes Louis and Louis likes him- maybe they even love each other! I always question if my decisions are correct, and I know they are! I wouldn't have left them alone if I thought otherwise. And don't you dare call me lazy fuck because I don't know of one person who wouldn't be tired after dealing with your constant shit! It's not just a sob story for you, okay? I like Harry, too, but I'll be a good friend and let him and Louis be alone. Now can you please get the fuck out of my room and let me sleep!?" I finished.

I almost regretted it as Zayn looked pissed off, his eyes almost seeming to pierce straight through me. I would be scared, but an angry Zayn is nothing compared to an angry Louis, which we've all had to misfortune to see. I would be apologizing, but I was too tired to care.

"Fine then." Zayn growled before he stood up and walked to the door. He opened it, walking out, and closed it, but not before slamming the foor just to show how pissed he truly was. I groaned, knowing Zayn wouldn't forgive me, and I would have to work for forgiveness. I knew I would have to fix this, but right now sleep was calling my name.

The door closed tightly and then I heard a stumble, a small bang, and mumbled curses. I rubbed my eyes, trying to see in the dark. My sleep has dissapated from my mind, and all that I cared about was who just walked into my room.

I sat up in the bed and watched the figure stumble blindly in the dark. I was about to get up and turn on the light when the person hit the bed and I heard a quiet curse of "Shit!" in an all too familiar voice. Zayn. I didn't know whether to sigh in relief that it wasn't someone I had to fight, or groan because I remembered all of his previous complaining.

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