Merry Christmas! xx
Chapter 17:
There was a knock on the door, and I just knew it was Liam. I got up from the floor, wiping my tears away, and opened the door. Liam gave me a soft, kind smile, but I couldn't return one. I couldn't even force a smile right now. I just really needed to tell Liam how I feel right now, and I hope he has great advice.
"Are you okay?" He asked me softly, and I shook my head. He sighed before opening his arms, and I pulled him into a much needed hug. I didn't want to cry, but I couldn't hide the tears back right now. All of my attempts to would most likely prove to be futile.
"C'mon. Let's sit down." Liam said. He led me over to the bed, and we both sat down. I let go of Liam, and we both sat in silence for a while before Liam urged me to speak. "Go ahead. Tell me everything." I was thankful that he wanted to hear about my problems, and I knew that Liam would help me out in any way he could.
"There's not much to say." I began with a sigh. "When we were alone yesterday, Louis was like a completely different person. He was so caring and gentle. He never yelled. He was so happy, so loving, and I liked that side of him. I liked that I didn't feel like I was walking through a mine field while talking to him. And we acted like, I don't know, a real couple. I mean, I wouldn't know what a real couple acted like, but I think that would be how they were.
"Then we... you know- did that." I said awkwardly, but Liam only nodded. "Well, he was a bit different this time. For a few seconds he wasn't rough and harsh on me, he was caring. He asked if I was okay, which he's never askd before. He went slow, but then it was like he remembered that he wasn't supposed to be soft and gentle. I mean, not that him being rough is a bad thing, but it felt... real? Like I wasn't just a toy to him." I finished. Liam nodded and thought for a while.
"How did he act this morning? After Zayn called him?" He asked. I was confused. Did Zayn call him? I must've been asleep still. I guess I'll just tell Liam how he acted since I woke up this morning. He already saw a small glimpse of how he was acting, but there were three different sides to Louis today.
"Well, when I firet woke up, he was kind. He was gentle. He seemed to be the same Louis that he was the night before, but then things got heated again and during he just became that same cold and dominate person he acts like he is. But that wasn't even the worse part." I said. No, I could handle a rough Louis, but the Louis that ordered me to the shower was completely different.
"What do you mean? What could be worse than that Louis? His anger is like an explosing volcano." Liam said, but the thing was, when he ordered me this morning, it was more than anger. It was like a defense.
"I don't know. Afterwards he ordered me to shower. Yes, his tone was that familiar anger, but there was something in his eyes. It was like he was regretting it as he said the words. It was like he was hurting himself by saying the words. I don't know. Maybe I just imagined it because of my stupid feelings for him." I said before I laid back on the bed. This was all making my head spin and hurt like hell.
"No. I don't think you imagined it." Liam said. I got up a bit on my elbows and looked at him as explained. "Harry, as much as you may not believe it, Louis does feel something for you. Even Zayn can see it. The way he acts around you is different than anything either of us has ever seen before. He used to be way angrier before you came about."
"How can he be any angrier than he is now?" I asked. I didn't even want to imagine how he used to be like. Louis must've been through so much to have to push everyone away all the time.
"It's possible. Some days he didn't even allow talking. Every little thing got on his nerves at times, but I knew he wasn't evil or even a bad person. I mean, he let Zayn and I live here with him, so he must've been kind-hearted deep down." Liam said, and I nodded. I could see that. I know that Louis is putting up an act from something that hurt him, and I really want to fix it. But how could I?

Stockholm Syndrome (Larry Stylinson)
FanfictionMy heart was beating and adrenaline was running through my body at a thousand miles per second. My hand wrapped around the door knob, but then I was pulled back painfully by my arm. I was whipped around and was face to face with a pissed off Louis...