Chapter 2

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Cher nervously took another step through the hallway. "Leave it to me to get lost," she muttered. Another staircase shifted beneath her as she tried to find her way to the Great Hall. Cher was never good with directions. In fact, they frustrated her. But she was patient, that was for sure. Cher glanced from painting to painting, to brick to brick, of every wall. Enchanted by everything.

Slowly, she turned on her heels, only to come face to face with another person. She let out a shriek, but the other girl smirked as she stood there. Taking a step back, Cher calmed herself. Of course Cher was relitively calm, but she just wasn't expecting anybody. "Shouldn't they all be in the hall?" Cher thought.

She took the other girl in for a moment. Her face was slightly sqaure with a round jaw. The girls eyebrows were thick and brown, compared to her hair, which was blonde. Her eyes were a cool blue, with pink lips to match. Admittedly attractive. (Picture on the side).

"Looking for something?" the girl smirked. Cher nodded slowly, while wondering on her. She seemed nice enough. However, while Cher was thinking this, there was something telling her not to go along with her brain. Something inside her was tugging. "Indeed. Would you by any chance, know where the Great Hall is? I'm new, and i'm lost."

The girl said smugly, "Why, of course I do. I'm new here myself. The name's Vera."

Cher gave her a kind smile, as Vera turned around. "Follow me."


Meanwhile, in the Great Hall, everyone was taking their seats. The last of the students filed in, chattering amongst themselves. All being excited to begin another year of magic at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry. All, of course, except for one. Draco Malfoy. This school had never been his thing. What with being surrounded by people he despised.

Draco had always had a different way of looking at things.

Just then, Vera and Cher hurried in, hand on wrist, with Vera pulling Cher along. Looking aroud, Cher had never imagined such a peculiar and amazing place. It was lit by thousands among thousands of candles that were floating in the air over four, long, tables. All of which, occupied by students. The tables, Cher saw, were set with glittering gold plates and glasses.

At the top of the Great Hall was another of the long tables where the teachers were sitting. Looking up, Cher saw the velvety black ceiling spotted with stars. From another direction, Cher heard a soft voice whisper, "It's bewitched to look like the sky outside." To Cher, it was hard to admit there was a ceiling existing at all.

Cher looked over to the direction of the voice, to see a boy with fiery red hair and a freckled complextion. The boys eyes were blue, with a long nose starting between them. He appeared tall and lanky, with off stature. Cher instantly fell in love with his hair, as odd as it sounds. To her, he seemed different. "It's beautiful," Cher replied nicely. "It is. Are you new this year?" Cher nodded slowly, smiling gently. The ginger boy looked her over and back to one of the tables. "Well, i'm Ron. Ronald Weasley."

"Cher Diggory." The color from Ron's face drained, and Cher was thouroughly confused.

Everyone at Hogwarts who knew Cedric Diggory, knew how he constantly beat himself up for not being able to find his beloved sister. His friends knew how many days he spent trying to find her. And now, here she was. The infamous Cher Diggory. Right in front of Ron's very eyes. He almost fainted. Cher could tell, as Ron's ears had since gone red. "Are you alright there, Ronald?" At her words, Ron melted. Not because he had any feeling towards her whatsoever. No feelings that would blossom into a relationship anyways. It was simply because she had the voice of an angel.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2013 ⏰

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