Stucky | It Was Always You

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If you don't like my ships please go away bc I will do Stucky imagines.

Deal with it.


"I have called this emergency meeting because we have a serious problem." The Avengers and the Bus team looked around curiously. Tony hadn't broken anything, and no one had been compromised, so it couldn't be that bad.

"Hang on, where's Steve and Bucky?" Clint wondered. Tony just sighed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Because they are the problem, duh."

"No ones been compromised, right?" Skye asked suspiciously, looking around with a cautious look plastered on her face.

"Everyone's fine. The Stucky problem is just getting too hard to handle." There was a chorus of mutters and sighs in agreement.

"First, lets go over the pool. The only people left in are May, Natasha and myself. And I assume we all bet $100, am I right?" There was another handle of murmurs before silence again.

"Alright, I have a plan, and its really simple."


"Steeeeevee!" With a sigh, Steve put down the book he was reading.

"Yes Nat?"

"I left my .45 down in my locker and I need to practice, I'm getting rusty, could you go get it for me?" Steve just snorted and picked the book back up again.

"Go get it yourself, you're very capable."

"Are you arguing with me Steven." With a large sigh, he marked the page he was on and got up, stretching slightly.

"Oh and by the way, the password is 2874. And be careful, you only get one chance, then the whole thing explodes!"




"I need you to do me a favour." Bucky rolled his eyes and smirked.

"Anything for you little red."

"I left my .45 in my locker and I need some practice, getting a bit rusty. Could you be a darl and go get it for me?" Bucky just snorted and gave Natasha the bird.

"Do it yourself you lazy lumpas."

"Are you questioning me James?"

"No ma'am." Whether he would admit it or not, Bucky was slightly frightened of Natasha.

"And the password is 2894. But be careful, you only get one chance before the whole thing explodes."


Tony watched from afar with Clint and Hunter, smiling evilly to himself. Natasha made her way over to them.

"You changed the password right?"

"Yeah, only one number. They'll be arguing over it until the cows come home." Tony turned the TV on in the living room as everyone else came pouring in. The TV flickered to reveal a room.


Bucky stumbled through the dark hallways, towards Natasha's large locker. When he arrived, he could hear someone else close by.

Tiptoeing closer, he creaked the door open.

"Bucky?" Breathing a sigh of relief, Bucky stepped into the light to find Steve standing by the door.

"Did Natasha send you down here?"

"Yup, to get her .45. Don't know why though." Steve frowned. That's exactly what Natasha had said to him, but he let it slide.

"2894 right?"

"What? She told me 2874!" The pair began bickering over what the code was while everyone else watched in amusement. Bucky eventually grew sick of the arguments and pushed Steve out of the way, typing in the numbers 2874.

Steve held his breath.

"Incorrect. Self detonation in T minus 60 seconds." Bucky and Steve ran for the door, only to find it locked behind them. They began pounding on the door and shouting urgently.


"It won't actually explode, will it?" Simmons asked nervously, making Fitz flick her in the head.

"Ow, I was just joking!"

"Don't worry Jemma, the only thing that will happen is an explosion of confetti." Natasha confirmed, turning back to the screen.


"It's no use." Moaned Steve, giving up pounding against the door.

"Self detonation in T minus 15 seconds." Bucky turned to Steve, tears welling up in his eyes.

"This is such a stupid way to go." He laughed, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Last words on three?" Suggested Steve, and Bucky nodded, turning to face his best friend.

"1... 2... 3..."

"It was always you." The pair chorused together, taking the other by surprise.

"1." Bucky and Steve opened their eyes in surprise as a few pieces of confetti landed on their heads. Beginning to laugh, they shook their heads.

Suddenly, Steve stopped and looked at Bucky nervously.

"Did you mean what you said? I mean, I thought we were going to die so, if you didn't its okay." Steve stuttered over his words. Suddenly, everyone else burst into the room.

"So, did my ship sail? I have $100 riding on this so please." Natasha pleaded, staring desperately at the two of them.

"Ship? What ship?" Bucky looked at Steve confusedly but he just shrugged.

"The Stucky ship! Duh!" Steve blushed very deeply and began to stutter.

"Um well, uhhh, it depends. I mean, only if you want, it's not, I mean, ugh, I-" Bucky shut Steve up with a slow kiss.

"Shut up fool." He whispered gently as the rest of the Avengers and the Bus team cheered in happiness.

"Now that we have Stucky out of the way, we need to work on the Clintasha situation." Natasha just glared at Tony in anger.

"Don't even think about it Tin man." With that she stormed from the room, Clint following quickly in pursuit, muttering various apologies.

"Are you gonna listen to a word she says Tony?" Asked Bobbi, turning to face him. Tony just smiled.




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