Part 10

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A few more days went by, the weather growing wet and dreary. The roads were damp and slippery, and Katie only just kept from falling very ungracefully. Or at least, for a while. She was just reaching the stairs into the main building when her foot slipped in a small puddle on the stone steps, causing her to lose her balance. She would have fallen into the stairs and possibly broken her nose when a hand caught her arm and broke her fall. She stood frozen a second, a hand on the stair while her knees and free arm hung in mid air. She glanced up, and her eyes met Luke's..

"Are you okay?" Luke asked.

"Uh... yes, thanks."

"You looked lost in thought. Dangerous in this weather."

"... Yeah, you're probably right," Katie conceded, unable to resist a small smile.

"I don't see Lucy. Is she not here?"

"Oh, one of her teachers can't teach today, so she's starting later."

"I see. May I escort you to your class?"

Katie peered at him curiously.

"Why would you do that?"

"Why wouldn't I? Unless you don't want me to...?"

"No, no... it's just we barely met, so I'm... surprised."

She thought it sounded better than confused. After a moment, she made her decision.

"... Okay, then." she said.

So, they turned and walked into the building, careful of the wet steps. They marched along the corridors, already bustling with people catching up from the weekend or finishing homework.

"So," Katie said, trying to make small conversation. "How are you settling in?"

"Fine," Luke said. "My mum's going crazy with all the boxes, but we're managing. Although my dad said if we had egg foo young one more time he was leaving," he added with a chuckle.

Katie couldn't help a smile.

"I grew up in London..." she said, thoughtfully. "I never knew anything else. Of course I saw a few other places during school trips and that..."

"School trips never do the place justice," Luke commented. "I went to Leeds Castle, once with my parents about three years ago. It was great, the sun was out, there were flowers and animals everywhere... I loved it."

"I went there once, when I was younger," Katie mused. "It was beautiful."

"I agree," Luke nodded. "And yet, when I went again the following year with my class, it didn't feel nearly as enjoyable.

"Perhaps the boundaries of school spoiled it for you," Katie said, smiling in spite of herself.

"Ah, I confess. Your sharp mind was too keen to miss what lies within..." Luke said grandly.

Katie couldn't help laughing out loud at that. They kept going down the corridor. A few heads turned as they passed, but nothing more. As they turned the corner, Katie sensed Luke tense abruptly. She glanced at him, then followed his gaze, which was directed at something ahead. Looking too, she recognised Hunter, who had stopped in his tracks too. Now that she thought about it, he did go to their school. She'd seen him a few times in the distance because Lucy had pointed him out, but they'd never spoken until that night at the club. She watched the silent exchange between him and Luke. Their eyes were locked on one another, blazing with tension. A second later, though, Hunter snapped out of his stupor and marched on, purposefully ignoring both Katie and Luke, whose eyes followed Hunter until he had disappeared round the corner. Then, Luke set off again, Katie hurrying to keep up with him.

"Whoa, wait, wait a second." she said, stepping in front of him. "What was that?"

"What was what?" Luke asked, but his tone suggested he knew exactly what she was talking about.

"You know what! You and Hunter... you just... stared at each other. Why? Because he recognised you from the club?"

Katie wasn't positive, but she thought he hesitated slightly before he answered.

"Probably," he said.

The bell rang.

"I'll see you later," Luke said, not meeting her eyes.

And with that, he walked off. Katie stared after him, with the feeling there was something she didn't know going on.

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