Part 20

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There was no news of Jessica for the next few days, despite her being on the news (her magic being kept quiet of course). And Helaena insisted they were careful whenever they left the house. She was by far the most nervous, but Katie and the others figured it was her overprotective side talking. As she made her way to school that morning, she couldn't help thinking about Jessica. They were just about the same age... she couldn't imagine what her parents were experiencing. And even Jessica was probably not having much fun, alone and without a home in this weather... She looked up at the sky. Most of the students hadn't arrived, yet, it was still early, but the sky clearly suggested there would be rain during the day.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

Startled, Katie looked up.


Sure enough, there he stood. Katie hated how quick her heartbeat was getting when he was near.

"Come on, let's go inside," Luke offered. "It's freezing outside."

He took her arm which sent a strange tingle through Katie's arm, and she followed him. It was indeed a little warmer inside.

"You're not avoiding me again, are you?" he asked.

To her surprise, Katie noticed that under the smile, there was a hint of genuine concern.

"No, no," Katie promised. "I've just been a little busy."

He relaxed, and Katie scolded herself for the relief she felt at seeing the light return to his eyes.

"I see. Oh, I meant to ask you, my parents wanted to go out sightseeing, but they're not sure what to start with. Any suggestions?"

Katie was a little taken aback, but quickly recovered.

"Oh, well... there's the London Eye, the Tower of London's always interesting...Oh, and they could visit Madam Tussaud's. Hyde Park is always worth the look, too."

"Thanks, I'll tell them."

After a few seconds, he peered at her, Katie couldn't help noticing the warmth in his eyes.

"Can I ask you a question?"

Katie couldn't quite identify his tone.

"Uh... sure," she said.

Luke hesitated a few seconds, as though pondering how to phrase his question.

"I could be wrong, but every time we talk, it feels like you're... keeping your distance," he said slowly. "Putting a wall between us."

Katie wanted to say she wasn't at all, except that she actually sort of was doing just that.

"It's... it's nothing against you..." she finally told him.

"That's one good thing," he smiled.

Katie hesitated, trying to figure out what to say. Finally, she spoke again.

"It's just... I've never been friends with anyone aside from Katie, let alone a boy. Not that it's a bad thing," she added hastily.

"Why is that, if I may ask?"

Katie bit her lip. Great, now what was she supposed to say?"

"I was too shy to go near anyone else. I'm only friends with Lucy because she came to me."

"Yet, here we are talking," he commented.

Katie rolled her eyes.

"I'm fine with talking to others. I just... have a harder time opening up to them."

Katie couldn't quite figure out why she was telling him all this. Perhaps because they barely knew each other. After all, people often said it was sometimes easier to confide in someone you didn't know. She looked up at him. And before she knew it, she added:

"But for some reason... it's not so hard with you... try as I might to avoid it..."

There was a silence. Then, to her utter surprise, Luke's hand reached up and gently brushed her jawline. Startled, she stood still, unable to move away. His eyes bore into hers, and she couldn't decide whether she wanted to look away or lose herself in them.

"Then maybe you should stop trying to avoid it..." he said.

With that, he dropped his hand and walked away.

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