Part 14

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Katie was sitting at her table, warming her hands on the cup of tea in front of her. She glanced outside at the crowd marching home or to their cars after work, or hurrying to the shops before closing time. She was in a coffee shop her family often went to when shopping in town. They did a home-made chocolate muffin that was to die for. But Katie didn't feel too hungry. She heard a tingling sound as the door opened. Looking up, she smiled gratefully as Gideon came forwards, his long dark blue dapper coat showing his white turtle-neck and jeans, his dark hair slightly ruffled by the wind outside. She got to her feet as he approached.

"Hey," she greeted him.

"Hey," he replied, hugging her.

Katie hugged him back, though slightly more tightly than she'd intended.

"Thanks for coming..."

"Of course, I always said I'd be there for you," Gideon said.

That was true. Katie had always been able to count on her older brother, and did her best to offer him the same unwavering support.

"What's wrong?" he asked, inviting her to sit down. "You sounded weird on the phone."

That was Gideon; always getting straight to the point. Usually Katie liked that about him, but right now, it didn't feel as appreciable. But she supposed it was pointless to beat about the bush.

"I might be in trouble..."

Gideon frowned slightly in confusion.

"What kind of trouble?" he inquired.

Katie hesitated a few seconds.

"... Madge Council trouble..." she finally confessed.

Gideon's confusion turned to concern.

"The Council? What do you mean?"

Katie took a deep breath.

"I... used magic in the street to prevent an accident and from what I can tell, they could either just give me a "don't do it again" speech... or they could Dispell me."

Shock didn't begin to describe Gideon's expression.

"What?!" he exclaimed. "They can't do that!"

"I endangered the secrecy..." she pointed out.

She went on to explain what had happened, though paying attention to not let anyone hear them.

"You manipulated the wind, how could anyone notice that?"

"... Well... the thing is I think maybe someone saw me."


Before Katie could answer, a waitress came over.

"What can I get you?"

"Uh, coffee, please," Gideon said.

She nodded and walked away.

"... A boy in school."

"Has he asked you about it?"

"No... It was a busy street and I left at once..."

Gideon was silent a moment.

"Why wouldn't they have told me about this?" he asked.

"... They weren't sure how to react themselves... I suppose they wanted to see what the Council intends to do and then they'd have told you. They're up there now."

The waitress returned with the coffee and set it on the table before marching off in her vivid red heels. Gideon squeezed Katie's hand.

"We won't let them Dispell you. They can't. Not a seventeen year old who just took the pledge."

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