Part 11

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Katie didn't get a chance to talk to Luke again after that. Either because he made sure they didn't run into each other again or because their schedules didn't let them, she wasn't sure. Not that it made that much of a difference, really. And Katie was surprised by how much that bothered her. She didn't tell Lucy this of course. She knew Lucy would read far too much into it. There was nothing between her and Luke, and there never would be. There couldn't be. More to the point, she didn't want there to be. That was a disaster waiting to happen. She left her final class trying harder than she liked to admit not to think about it. Fortunately, the rain that been falling earlier had stopped, so the floor was still wet and treacherous, but at least her clothes would stay dry. Katie took a few cautious steps forwards, then marched more confidently, trying to ignore the cold wind whipping her face. She was just reaching her car, when her phone rang.


"Oh, hi, darling," her mother's voice said, then paused as a car drove past Katie. "You're not driving, are you?"

"Of course not, Mum," Katie said, heaving a small sigh.

She dropped her bag in the passenger seat before straightening up. "What is it?"

"I was planning on doing cookies tonight, but I forgot to get flour when I was out shopping, could be an angel and grab some for me?"

"Okay, that's easy enough. Is there anything else you need?"

There was a pause as Heleana considered.

"Hmmm... No... oh, yes, there is! Could you get some icing sugar? You know how much your father likes that on his cookies."

Katie couldn't help a smile. Hazel and she liked that too.

"Okay. Double chocolate?"

"Of course."

"Great," Katie grinned. "I'll get that on my way."

"Thanks, love."

"I'll see you at home."

"Drive safe."

Katie would have smiled at that if she hadn't heard it a hundred times before.

"I will. Love you," Katie said, rolling her eyes slightly as she hung up.

She pocketed her phone and climbed into her car. The school was full of students driving away, so she was forced wait a few moments for the parking lot to clear, so as to avoid being stuck in traffic. Finally, her path was clear. She was just about to start the car when she felt a prickle in her neck that made her look up. She glanced around, her delicate eyebrows creasing into a slight frown. When she glanced in her rear view mirror, she gasped. She thought she saw a shadow. As soon as the thought crossed her mind, she shook her head dismissively. It was probably just a reflection. Yes, that was it. She was getting tired and letting her imagination run away with her. She started her car and drove off. But the nagging sensation that someone was watching her didn't leave her even when she'd left the car park. And perhaps the pale brown eyes staring after her in the shadow of a building had something to do with it.

Finally, Katie got what she wanted. It had taken longer than she'd expected because her mother was very specific on which ingredients she used for her cookies, and wouldn't accept any others. Once, her father had gotten a different brand of sugar, and the result hadn't been the same at all. So everyone had just agreed that when cookies were involved, Heleana's word was law. Katie was just walking down the street to her car when she spotted Luke across the street. He stood with his back to her, but she recognised the way he held himself, the jacket on his back, his dark hair blowing in the wind that was piercing through her jacket as though telling her "how dare you use magic in public! You know the rules! What if someone had seen you?". She paused, part of her wanting to run after him and demand an explanation for his behaviour earlier, and the other wanting to respect his privacy. After all, she had no business demanding answers about his connection to Hunter. They barely knew each other, and she knew very well that if he were the one asking, she would probably not reply either. No, the best thing to do was just let him be. If he wanted to discuss it, he would. She was just about to turn and walk to her car before her curiosity got the best of her, when she paused, staring after Luke. Above him, there were several apartment buildings with large boxes that held flowers in the spring and summer. But the metal bars were old and rusty. She knew what would happen just as it did. The balcony creaked and broke, sending the large flower box container toppling towards the ground... right where Luke and a few other people were walking. Luke had stopped to look at something in a window. Without thinking, Katie threw her arm out.

"No!" she gasped.

She felt a surge of energy flow through her body and shoot towards the box, knocking it sideways, away from Luke and the other passers by. It hit the wall and crashed to the floor in a loud smash that made everyone jump. Katie stood frozen. She had performed magic in public. It had been to save a life, so it fell under "desperate situations", but she was still fairly sure her parents wouldn't be all that happy. She glanced around cautiously around. But thankfully, everyone seemed too focused on the falling flower box to notice her. And she'd just manipulated the wind, so no one would give much thought to how it had happened.

Thank Heaven it's so windy today... Katie commented to herself.

She stayed back, her eyes scanning the crowd for Luke. She eventually saw him. The hair blew his hair out of his face, giving Katie a clear view of his troubled dark eyes. He looked confused, but not hurt. In spite of herself or her better judgement, she heaved a small sigh of relief. The energy still buzzed within her. She quickly slid her hands into her pockets, as though worried the energy would be visible, like a light or flames. Some people pointed upwards at the broken balcony. Luke looked up too just as rain began falling around them in heavy drops. One fell on Katie's face, sliding down her cheek like a tear. Just then, Luke, as though sensing her gaze, turned to glance in her direction. Quick as a flash, she spun around, pulling her hood over her head and hurried away, thankful for the cover of the crowd, and didn't stop until she'd reached her car. Once she was in her car, she leaned back in her seat, her heart throbbing like it was woodpecker hacking a tree with its beak. She pulled her hood down, glancing around. No one seemed to pay attention to her. She took a few moments to catch her breath. There was no point panicking over it now... she would tell her parents... and if the Council came to question her... she would explain the situation. She had acted instinctively... and for Pete's sake, wasn't magic supposed to help people? How could her using it to stop Luke from getting injured be a bad thing? She cleared her throat, straightened in her seat and and drove away.

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