The old contracts new conditions

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Chapter two

It was four in the morning i could hear my family stirring down the hall and so i to started to get ready for the day ahead of me, we all usually get up this early to get a head start on the day. We cook bread, plant seeds, harvest crops and collect products like milk, eggs and honey. We were surviving but we barely had enough to pay taxes and bills. It's been too hot for words lately and I had reached my limit. I had become so desperate to go back to the way it was before this curse before we were left to live like this eating the worst of the spoils so we can live day by day always feeling like we are a hair's width away from destitution I had had enough. After lunch while we took a break for a few hours before we started the evening chores I snuck out and aimed my direction for the orphanage dad told us about in his story from his original contract. I was prepared to do anything at this point I didn't care how it ended for me.

When I arrived at this run down orphanage I saw kids running around, worn out clothes and shoes, toys that were broken yet somehow it astounded me how care free and elated they looked content with what they had, not worried about what they lost or what they were missing out on it was almost enough to make me turn back. I mean the farm wasn't as bad as it could be.

But then as if the demon knew what my heart wanted I took one step and as I did I saw a vision flash in front of my face of my family and our farm before the curse. Then I was more determined than ever to help my sister have good times again. I was then flashed back to reality except i wasn't at the front of the orphanage anymore i was in what looked like a old barn now used as storage with wooden boxes and barrels surrounding me and here i was standing in the middle of the room, in front of me stood the same lady from the market all those years ago, I was frozen couldn't move then as I thought she was getting to close for comfort she started caressing my skin tutting at its quality.

"You've become more weather beaten since I last saw you child. How's life balancing on the poverty line? Aww.... aren't you getting enough to eat? Hahahah you look hungry my dear malnourished even hahahah"

She said as she laughed cynically. I gathered my strength by then and swatted her hand away and push her body away I then told her I no longer want her help. She paused looked at me said "now look at how selfish your being" she then morphed into a half snake. Her lower body in snake form with her human half on top. Her beady snake eyes stared into my souls as she snaked around me and told me I have no choice that my family would just get worse. She then pulled out my dad's original contract and it read.

"to those who lay their print on this line may bear the contract they so forth signed their stocks will fill and bellies be full they will never want and get only what they need their families will not be harmed or killed in the fulfilling of this contract in return the soul of one first born child will pay the sum." I paused and said straight to those red eyes I will not surrender my first child to you she then looked me up and down and said "what if I take u with me to hell to serve for eternity as my slave." She licked her lips caressed my cheek and promised me in her words that "no eating of flesh and soul just torture as payment for the deed you would wish me to commit."

I looked at her and thought that this was the only way I could save my family so I signed it and as I signed and placed my fingerprint on it, it flashed away in the blink of an eye. She then started laughing and got halfway through her enchantment when my sister came running in with a pained and desperate look in her eyes screaming "stop!!!!!!" Before I knew it she screamed "we now have money we don't need any demons contract."

I paused and looked at her she looked terrified at the scene she walked in on seeing the demon in her true form and then she summons the courage and explained that an uncle died and left us enough money to restore the farm and live very comfortably for the rest of our lives.

I looked over to see the demon start to steam from her nose turn red with flames and scream "you can't revoke your contract once signed!" Her body started morphing like it did that day in the marketplace but with even more ferocity I knew I had to find something to fight with I then looked around the store room and found a sharp wooden old broom handle with what looks like the metal that held the old broom head was still there almost like a crude spear laying on the floor I grabbed the makeshift weapon and told my sister to run back home and stay there and that i would be home soon, i lied of course i had no idea if i would get out of this alive but i couldn't stand there and put her in any more dangerous situations, as she turned to run and leave the demon circled her and tried to attack her as soon as she did I threw the post ramming her thought the chest impaling her into the already worn out and broken wall my sister ran out screaming and i immediately started looking for anything else i could use and then i saw it, a old farming scythe looked very worn and probably almost blunt but at this point any weapon was better than being defenceless. the demon now distracted by the pain pulled herself off the wall spear still in her and looked around, she found my eye's and started charging for me, I immediately ran for the old scythe and just before I grabbed it her tail catches my legs and pulls me away. As she hung me dangling helplessly in front of her she started screaming like a banshee in pure rage it hurt so bad to hear my ears started bleeding but I had to figure something out I then saw it the pole i threw earlier inside her I knew it was my best shot so I tried my hardest to swing to get it then as I got a hold of the post still stuck inside her I grabbed it and twisted it dislodging it from her chest she started shaking me around I had one shot to set my plan in place and I had to make it count I aimed true and I rammed it into her throat downwards into her stomach.i twisted it aggressively like i was churning butter, She immediately dropped me and started flailing around on the floor I then grabbed the scythe and started to slice off her head from the chin. As I sliced and sliced she kept thrashing me around but  after a few hard hits to the face and head I had finally cut through her neck.

I held her still moving head in my hand as the warm black demon blood spilled over me and her almost lifeless body it was still moving around trying to find it's missing counterpart then as it died I noticed the head stopped twitching as well i took a deep breath relived this was all over with and proud of myself for ridding this world of this cursed demon.

A few seconds later my contract appears in front of me and immediately burns to ash, but there wasn't any ash on the floor it almost disintegrated as it burned.

After that a purple and blue flame engulfed me on every part of the demons blood that spill over me,  holding me in my spot i freaked out feeling an intense searing burn all over my body like the pits of hell were engulfing me and in my searing pain I tried to move but as I did I then felt a sudden overflow of power surge through me then all at once the pain power and flames disappear. After that it felt as if my life source had been drained my eyes shut and the whole world went black and I was out cold.

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