My encounter with the contract whore

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Chapter five

When I thought about it, it made sense but it hurt me deeply to know that until I fulfil my duties as a possessor to the contract holder that my life would never be the same, It also made me so mad that he would of been so reckless with his life that now it affected me and my family as well as Those poor orphan children, before I knew it dawn was breaking over the horizon and an Amber yellow colour was filling my room with the light of a new day it also was filled with a heaviness to my soul to know that I would have to succumb to my better judgment and help this man that I barely knew in order to move on in my life.

I promptly got dressed ready to face my fate head on but then as I left the house I saw him waiting at my front gate he looked as if he hadn't been home all night He actually looked kind of handsome his brown hair was shining with the new days sun behind it, his top clung to every muscle on his torso, his face was unshaven and a slight stubble was starting to show, his chinos sat perfectly on him and his eyes were downcast to the floor. Then as if he felt me there looked with his bloodshot blue eyes directly at me I then realised that he hadn't been home, I hesitantly walked up to him but before I could say anything he snapped, he started in a hushed annoyed tone "how hard is it to realise you have no choice in this matter if u want to live happily, how selfish can u be, you're the type to think that it doesn't matter who she leaves behind because all she cares about is what she wants, you think I don't have better things to do like fulfil the contracts but no instead I'm here waiting for you because if I leave your fucked aren't you?......" He stopped as if that was A real question before he could say anything else I bud in and said "I was going to come out to you and tell you I was going to help you but now I have another idea of what I'm going to say... Let's start with how ungrateful u are and how presumptuous u must be to think I am spoilt I work hard for my family I almost lost my life to make them happy, is it you risking your life to help another save his?, I was going to say yes to your request for help so my family can be happy, how is that selfish huh? Really the balls you have to come and put false accusation on me..." I looked at his drawn face obviously taken aback by my outburst then I grabbed his collar pushed him against the gate almost lifting him of the ground and through my gritted teeth said " get this one thing straight I'm only helping you for those orphans and my family I couldn't honestly care less if you died you piece of shit, your nothing but a contract whore who couldn't solve his problems with just one, how about next time u are waiting on an answer be more patient and don't go biting the hand that feeds you." With that I dropped him and said "go clean-up have some rest and be here for dinner tonight we will formulate a plan then now just go" I start to walk off and looking back I see him pacing annoyed with the situation then as I was almost home free he grabs my shoulder making me turn around to face him.

He looks at me with a rage in his eyes then his looked softened to a grin he then said "do you feel better now cause I know I do " as I was just about to retort his face made me soften a little seeing him smile was a nice change and then all he said was " now coujo go rest and we will meet up tonight". With that he turned and left.

Six o'clock hit and sure enough there he was at the door ringing the bell I walked downstairs opened the door he looked at me and smiled as if he was pretending that whole argument never happened. It kind of made me angry and frustrated but I wasn't going to let home see the effects he had as I guided him into the house towards the lounge room where dad was sitting. I excused myself to get relief from him and the silence I went to my room and just as I was about to close the door he jammed his foot into the crack and came In locking the door behind him he then stood their inspecting the room he just forced himself into. I was beyond pissed now and was about to yell at him when he started closing the distance between us, he had a little grin on his lips and as I realised how close he got I tried backing away only to have my bed betray me making me fall backwards onto it, he then laughed at how flustered I looked and stepped back offering me his hand to get up. His laugh and smile were almost intoxicating and once I regained my footing he laughed at me again sending a shiver down my spine his deep husky laughter almost making me step away to try not get entangled on his trap. He then started apologising for his outburst this morning then smiled cheekily saying that he enjoyed having the girl take charge for a change. I couldn't help but laugh he was making pretty damn hard to stay angry at him and his stupidity. We looked at each other for a min almost tempting and daring me to kiss him, I think he may have felt it as well because we both started moving closer towards each other, but before anything happened my sister was at my door telling me dinner was ready and that was my Que to get out and try not to let that happen again.

After dinner we both went into the study so we could plan what the next move was. I sat behind my father's desk and he sat in the chair directly across from me. He looked at me and laughed I was curious enough as to why so I asked his reply was "aside from the kicking and fighting this is the same set up we had in our first conversation but in reverse"

It was kind of funny but I knew we had a task at hand so I got straight to the point who was our first demon to contact. He looked like he wasn't paying attention he then went completely off topic and said "so are we going to talk about the almost kiss last night?"

I was floored I had hoped we were both going to ignore that happened but it was obvious his mind was only going to focus on this until I settle it once and for all. I just said to him "there is nothing to talk about I was still spaced from the whole shock of the day and I was feeling vulnerable." My reply made him scowl as if it meant more to him.

Well if I did this was the first time anything I said really looked like it affected him. I diverted back to the main issue at hand and he said that the first demon would be Forteille the demon of many truths the demon who looks into your soul and tells you the past you forgot, the present your hiding from, and the future your almost too scared to hear. I asked him what did she offer you in order for you to sign a contract with her and all he had to say was that at the time he needed her to tell him some of his past then see how it affected his future of running the orphanage for the kids. He said that the board wasn't going to make him dean unless he could prove that the previous headmaster's claims of abuse he supposedly inflicted on the kids wasn't true. The lady helped him see that day the evil man planted the evidence on him and managed to collect the security footage to prove he wasn't guilty then he needed her sight to see if he could run the place and what he saw was a thriving happy place and he knew his contract was worth it.

I was starting to regret my viciousness towards him this morning but that all disappeared when he leant in and said that I could never defeat her because her riddles and requests were to cryptic to decipher. I then had more determination than ever to prove him wrong so I told him we would leave in the morning and find this demon and face her.

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