A bitter sweat reunion

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Chapter 4

It took me only an hour to get home and when I saw my house I almost cried mum and dad were outside. Mum was planting new lavender and rose bushes in the windowsill garden bed and dad was repainting the white on the outside of the house.

The land looked lush again it started dying because we were trying to save water, the animals looked healthy the vet had obviously been around but they had lots of food and in their troughs, they all looked clean as well.

Then I realised that the crops looked considerably greener and taller since yesterday when I was last here money does some things but not this. A lot of repairs were done already but the house would have needed at least a week to look this good. I then stumbled a little back as I realised I didn't pass out for 1 day my mind started reeling at the mere fantasy. I can't believe I was away this long without them coming for me.

I regained my footing and walked to the front house rather slowly what was I going to say to them how will I approach them. It was too late to think about it now they all saw me and came to greet me halfway down the path to the front door.

My sister crashed into me crying she then said "I'm so glad u pulled through I was worried sick he was supposed to call us"

I was confused had they met that weirdo from the orphanage. My mother gently pulls my sister off me and does the same as my sister except she wasn't able to talk she was so relieved to see me. After a 5 minute hug she reluctantly released me and then my father walked over and encased me in a big bear hug. He smelt of sweat, his hands were callused and clothes covered in dry paint.

After he let me go he said "I'm glad I finally have my family back together and we can be happy again" the look on his face was so pained but filled with relief.

The first thing I asked when our reunion was over was how long exactly I was gone for.

My dad looked and said to me "it's been 8 days since we saw u last..."

I then immediately asked if they even came to see if I was ok and my sister then grabbed my hands in desperation and with a pleading look for forgiveness said "we came for the first three days but the man there told us he would ring when u were ready for us to come see you. Believe me I wanted to stay by your side but I was told I couldn't." Great so this was another reason for me to be annoyed with him I then let it go and just was relieved and happy things here were better.

I helped the rest of the day around the farm all the time having the family keep pushing me to go rest but after many failed persuasion attempts they gave up and let me get to it. It was getting close to sunset and I had decided that I would clean the horse stables as my last chore for the day I was walking to the stables fine then as I got there and started cleaning the stalls I felt heavy and dizzy, I started blanking out and feeling feverish then I look out at the farm to see him standing there leaning on the gate of the stables watching me.

And as if an instant reaction my body collapsed I went blank and next thing I knew he was holding me he had actually caught me before I fell on the ground. He then picked me up bridal style and took me to the house. My parents were shocked when they saw me almost fully passed out in his arms.

It took me a while to come to but when I did I felt normal as if my body was relaxed and then I realised it was dinner time and my parents were talking to him downstairs I heard his voice and immediately got up and as if on cue my sister came in and helped me down stairs even though I tried to tell her I was fine she wouldn't take no for an answer when I made it downstairs dinner was just laid out and everyone was waiting at the table for me except it wasn't just my family. I stood there rather annoyed that he was here then as if reading my mind he stood up and introduced himself " hello again how are you feeling we didn't catch each other's name before but my name is Caspian " he extended his hand and under the gazes of my family reluctantly took it as our hand touched I felt a burning sensation just like the ring as if to warn that I was now stuck with him and I can't escape whatever fate he was talking about. I acted as if I didn't feel anything and replied "hello my name is Serenity thank you for the help and hospitality you have showed me since that night." His face was priceless and it kind of made me feel victorious to see I had shocked him. My parents couldn't know how our first conversation went my mother would scold me for being impolite and my sister would keep me up all night talking about how handsome he was she would say how his face is very defined, his presence so safe, his manners impeccable and how his body was so well toned oh and I am sure she wouldn't neglect to mention how tall he was.

My father wouldn't even make a comment because he doesn't want his girls thinking about guys so he would be pleased to hear I was rude. But it didn't make me glad to think of him that happy at my behaviour since he was so secretive I was still mad and very full of questions.

We sat down and started eating after the usual prayer. After a few minutes my mum broke the silence and asked Caspian what he did he told us he was the headmaster at the orphanage, he told us of the old headmasters ways how he would gamble food money, drink away donations and sell children to demons for money and how he worked his way back up and did all he could to get the orphanage to its current state. I did feel for him a little bit after hearing all of his tales but it's was gone when he told us he made contracts to get the orphanage to where it is that's where I drew the last straw I very angrily smashed my open hands on the table and stood up, I looked at him and said "can't you see you just revealed to us you are just like him, what gives you the right to gamble those kids lives like that you didn't think that one bad contract will ruin their home and lives forever, I can't stand the employment of demons to full fill wishes of one man, I hate talking about such worthless beings in this house ." As I was finished my rant I left the table looking at my father's guilt ridden face and it pained me to see him that way.

I stormed off and sat on the porch swing out front, I lay down and just as I was about to drift off Caspian pulls me up and sits down with me on the swing. I didn't say a word for a full 5 minutes he then started talking "today when you fainted it was because u weren't near me, whether you like it or not our fate is one now so why fight it? Your so hell bent on denying demons after u narrowly escaped yourself which is understandable but u still signed and whether u like it or not u must honour your contract the fainting will keep on happening if u choose to ignore this, it will end in your death you need to understand that in order for you to live a full life with your dear family u must honour the contract." I looked at him his blue eyes shimmering with hope as he bore into my souls secrets he seemed to be less cold and more sympathetic this time like he knew I loved them too much to hurt them in any way he then moved his face closer to mine and whispered to me " life and happiness is only worth it if you know You earned it, you know that if u lived from a contract it wouldn't be really yours. Just look at your father remember he suffered for years with the unearned happiness he wasn't truly content was he and look at him now tired worn out and sore but as happy as he can be." I found myself tearing up and moving closer to him our lips almost touching when my dad came out we quickly moved away and Caspian excused himself and went home parting from me with his last words pleading with me to consider all he has said carefully and let him know my decision tomorrow.

When he left my father called me to his study where there was a fire warming the room. This was it this would be when I get all the answers I could from him. He sat down behind his desk and as I sat directly across from me he looked as if he knew what was about to transpire next.

I didn't want to waste any time so I started." I want to know everything there is you know about the contract u signed and all your knowledge about demons and their powers." His look went from defeated to grim in an instant he looked at me hard and sighed and started explaining himself. He told me that the demon I killed was his old contract holder that she was the demon of dreams she would show you what your true heart's desire and use it against you. He went on about how his contract was a mistake and how regretful he was to put me in that spot. He then went on to say he didn't know a lot about them but he knew that they all have individual abilities and can only contract to 1 person at a time but there are few that bend the rules to get more souls he basically confirmed all that was told to me by Caspian at the orphanage. I knew then that I would have no choice but to really think hard about what was to be my answer to Caspian tomorrow. After a long chat me and my father decided to go to bed I gave my good nights to my family and bee lined for my room anxious and so unsure of what I would do from here on out. Would I risk it all so I can live a full life with my loving family?


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