A strangers debt

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Chapter three

I woke up fuzzy the sun was shining so bright it felt like the last seven years where a bad dream I looked around and noticed it wasn't home, this wasn't my bed, my sister hasn't come in while I was asleep and slept next to me then it all came back in a pounding force of reality. The last seven years really had come to pass and what happened with the demon wasn't just a scary dream. I was soar all over I had a closer look at myself I was clean no signs of the fight that just went down I was in new clothes I was clean but yet I wasn't anywhere I recognised before. I look around and not only notice the burning bruise surrounding my ankles from the demons burning tail but I find a ring a single ring on my finger. It felt so ominous it was a silver band, on top was a purple diamond encased in a blue tinted metal almost vine like pattern. I tried to remove it but couldn't it was burning every time I pulled as if a warning to say this must be the price u pay for killing a demon. I felt branded a killer it was a feeling I was not comfortable with. I look around and realised I was still stuck in the orphanage it made me wonder if my sister had come back and done this to keep me safe or if someone else was watching me.

I started feeling like I was being followed so I ran, I found the exit and just as I made it out to the street I was taken by surprise from behind. I was dragged back into the orphanage again I started trying to fight back then as I was thrashing around I realised it was a human who was pulling me into an office. I don't know how it was as if I could sense that it was a human. As they were locking the door I broke free and when I turned around it was a man, a young man he couldn't possibly be the headmaster here, he started walking to the desk and all I thought was there's no way in hell, he looked my age then as I was about to make another break for the exit he stopped me again. He was quick he then gestured to the chair in front of the desk I was obviously not getting out of here till he was ready to release me so I gave up went to the chair and plonked myself down as if a child in trouble with the principle.

We both sat there for a min in the naturally lit room just looking at each other as if both waiting to see what the other would do next. His blue eyes bore into mine his mouth slightly turned into a smirk he then started chuckling in his deep manly voice. After a small moment he stopped and started to address me.

"So I saw what u did with the demon Hiterrassa I must say I was impressed but now u see we have reached a problem."

"What problem would that be?" I asked intrigued.

"Now that u killed her I fear you and I are going to be intertwined in destiny now."

I was really confused now I didn't know a whole lot about demons and contracts but I was starting to wish I had never left the house.

He continued "there is an old legend that if u kill a demon that holds a contract with another person u take over not only their powers but their connection with the contract holder and if u want to be free of the person u must help the person fulfil all other contracts they hold."

Ok so now I was really confused but from what he was saying I didn't like where this was going.

He then said

"I had eight contracts with different demons and now u have seven."

I was exasperated who was this guy and how can he be so presumptuous I got so frustrated and cut in.

"What the fuck are you talking about!!!!!!!?"

He looked at me in almost shock I stood up and said " your contracts were, are and always will be your own problem don't go dragging me into your mess I'm going now and u better not stop me or follow me ok just leave me alone!"

He smiled gestured to the door and said "fight it all u want it won't change what is; u will see what I'm talking about u can't hide from fate or destiny."

I didn't even dignify his response I just left for home I need to see my sister, my mum and I have a lot of questions for my father.


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