The first demons riddle

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Chapter six

It was daybreak as I waited for Caspian at the orphanage I watched as the night's sky started filling with a reddish light from the Suns rising. Moments passed and the sky was almost lit now I look around and see him there walking towards me his masculine features amplified by the sunrise I started walking towards him eager to start this mission. As we met he stared at me and said that we should get going we have a long road ahead to see the demon I was a little taken aback I blurted out that I thought we just summoned the demons to us and he just looked at me smiled and said now coujo we must seek out our targets in order to obtain our goal, I felt a bit inexperienced at this, then again I have had no experience before except for recent events so it wasn't my fault I didn't know.

We were walking for a few hours through all the areas of the city we walked through the red light district the upper east side of town were all the rich and famous lived and finally around lunchtime we reached this tavern an old traditional looking place with lanterns hanging outside the door for light and when we walked in it was as if we were transported back to the 19th century. We walking inside the heavy wooden doors and walked straight to the bar Caspian hailed the bar keep and said to him I am here to see the one who sees all and with that the bar keep let us through to the cellar then past all the alcohol he touched a slightly worn wall carving and rotated it with that the brick wall opened and he ushered us in the wall closed behind us as soon as we entered and we moved onwards down a spiralling marble staircase.

As we neared the end of the staircase the sound of operatic music became louder and louder we reached the end of our decent into the demons lair and then we came face to face with our first demon the demon of telling.

She was an old hag who wore a long tattered dress her hair as long as herself, just touching the floor but was full of split ends and was very ragged.

She looked up revealing her clear white eyes with red dots for irises, she extended her hand filled with varicose veins and pointed her almost curling finger and tattered long nails at me, she then said only this "find what once was mine, for it hung to pretty to forget, the ring of the great church bells will be your destination, follow you ears and nose to the home land of butter crescent shape delights, it is the famous palace where I wed my heart's desire, where the ugly can ring beauty, there u will find the lock to my heart and the key is reuniting us together.

Do this and I will relinquish his contract from my grips." And with that the hag was gone and Caspian looked so perplexed by the demons riddle. I grabbed his hand and made him move towards the exit I had figured it out almost straight away and as soon as we got on the street again he stopped me and asked what the rush was. I told him I knew the answer he stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me with a look of disbelief I then sighed understanding I would have to explain it to him you know he's very street and demon smart but his books smarts could use a brush up I then stood there and explained "try to decipher each part of the clue first she called it precious so it must be sentimental then she said it hung so it could be a few things a couple are paintings or jewellery then she said the Ring of church bells with be your destination so either a bell tower or church right?" He nods and lets me continue " then she pretty much gives it away she tells us to go to Paris because that is the country that is known for having croissant a butter pastry so now we know it's in France then she tells u it's a famous destination and then she is A real idiot she told me the answer the hunchback is a ugly creature that rings beauty right which just so happens to be the church of Notre dame where she can we'd her Heart's desire and by her saying it's the lock to my heart she really means to tell us the type of item which is a locket, lock-heart u get it and to unlock u from this contract we must go to Notre dame and retrieve the locket which resides in the bell tower of the church there happy now." I took a deep breath for I said the last half very quickly in one breath and then relaxed to soak in his disbelief ridden face kind of made me happy and kind of victorious that I bested him and hopefully if we find it proved him wrong that I am cut out for this and I will complete his contracts so I can escape this fate.

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