The begining

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Chapter 7

When we returned to the farm that night we started talking details on the front porch swing. Once everything was sorted we just sat there for a moment just staring at the stars. I felt an electric warmth on my hand and realised Caspian's hand was now holding mine I looked at him and he asked "are you sure you are ok with this? I mean we only just met and now you're going out of your way to help me you could have just got me to work here so you could live but instead you chose to go and try to do the impossible and complete my contracts."

I took it in for a minute looked up at the sky and sighed at the thought of holding him hostage here the rest of his life stopping his dreams and goals to live mine out I knew this would be the only way to stop all this madness so while looking into the glittering black emptiness above of me I told him "that's my point exactly, you don't know me and I don't know you very well why would I stop and hinder you from your passions and dreams to satisfy my own? Our paths are crossed and I will not let you be tied down unhappy the rest of your life those kids need a chance in life and I can't take away their only hope like that."

He went quiet and looked up at the sky with me and slowly we both began to drift into an eerily comforting sleep.

When I woke up I realised I was embraced in his arms while he slept peacefully I sat there a moment just content to stay in his arms it was then I realised I had fallen to deep and I would have to leave his arms eventually it was then as I closed my eyes and our hearts synced in rhythm I saw a vision I could see Caspian and a girl they were holding hands walking on a beach together they stopped and as the sun rose in front of them he held her and they began kissing. It wasn't a fiery lust filled kissed it was a gentle caring and loving kiss he was obviously in love with this girl as I watched I could almost feel his emotions as if I had entered his body and was feeling the same things he was when they stopped I felt a pain as if it was the last time he would ever see her then they smiled and started walking towards me I kind of didn't want to see her face scared to see a past he didn't want revealed but as I tried to move anywhere my feet wouldn't move it was as if I was only allowed to stay there then as they came close I saw her face and almost couldn't believe who it was. I then woke from my daze to realise he was awake it was then he got up and abruptly started walking and pacing on the front porch. He looked angry or confused it was hard to tell he looked me straight in the eye and asked me faces almost touching "what did u see?"

I couldn't believe how his presence could change so quickly I also didn't want to admit what I saw I denied seeing anything told him I was just sleeping.

He wouldn't look me in the face after I denied it. He knew but how did he know I couldn't tell when the demon read my greatest wishes how did he know he then almost yelled "I made a deal with that demon I know what it feels like to have my emotions read to really have someone see your soul her power is what I bargained for I have it to. I use it to tell if a family is suitable for my kids so tell me again what did u see?" I came clean I told him I saw and felt his feelings and dreams but I told him I didn't see her face that it wasn't clear cause I woke up. It was a lie but the relief he felt was worth it if he knew I knew he wouldn't want me to help he would walk away from this whole mission and accept his fate I couldn't let him throw it all away.

He then paused and looked at me I couldn't believe it but his relief turned back again he said in a more calm tone "tell me who she was I know u saw I need u to say it say who u saw."

I took a deep breath as if saying it saying her name would expose us both to our true feelings which were crazy how could I give it all away but he wasn't giving up so I exhaled and it all came out "I saw me I saw me standing there with you embracing you holding u so dearly kissing you with so much love it hurt we were so happy. I saw it all ok and for god definitely felt it all enough to understand how u feel and I'm sorry" I started tearing up why did he have to love me this wasn't good I couldn't be with him I ended up in tears running off into the bush surrounding my house trying to find refuge in and hidden spot I could.

I could hear him running after me but I found it the perfect spot he kept looking walking straight past me hiding in a large hallow tree this was my place as a kid to hide it was smaller now I was bigger and a little hard to breath but I needed to be alone if I was with him things could get messy I then decided to do it alone I left the tree and left alone for the first item on my list. I was at the airport waiting for my flight and once I made it safely onto the plane we were just about to take off when we had a last minute passenger the moment he put a foot on the plane I knew it was him he was puffed out and dishevelled but he was there and as he took the seat next to me and caught his breath he didn't even look at me just sat there and smiled and said can't get rid of me that easy love, And with that we were off and my next few hours on this plane were definitely going to be interesting.

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