The original contracts destruction

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Chapter one

Life has always been hard but when you are almost destitute and your family are starving what other choices someone has but to turn desperate.

My mother and fathers farm always used to be luscious, green, fertile, and full of food and tradeable goods but that was when I was a child. I can remember it so clearly like it only happen mere hours ago, our house was painted an off white colour the windows had red shutters with matching planter boxes filled with the most beautiful smelling red roses and lavender it was so pretty and the smell was amazing, it was home, it was always a place I could feel happy just my younger sister Julie, my mum Jade, dad Alex and me Serenity.

It was my slice of perfection in this imperfect world. Then one day when I was 13 at a farmers market my father and I were approached by a terrifying woman. When I say terrifying I don't just mean her looks. She had black as night long luscious curly hair that flowed down to past her knees that had vibrant bright green foils through it. Her body was curved in all the right places her lips a dark shade of purple her eyes glowing red her skin was as pale as a ghost. She was wearing a leather black jacket with a black and red corset style top beneath it which flowed into a red and black mini skirt, black fishnet stockings and knee high black boots that had buckles and chains on them. From afar u couldn't tell but as soon as she was close u knew exactly what she was... a demon someone my parents have always warned me about. Demons the beings who can grant u wishes but always have a contract that comes along with it u get what u want but always at a price most can't pay and when they don't come through the demons take their lives body and soul enslaving the humans until they die then eating their soul making the demon more powerful.

She asked my father in a deep seductive sensual voice if she could fulfil his deepest fantasies one's his wife could never imagine to even think about she promised him that my mother would never find out and all he had to do in return was give me over to her. And as she said that she looked over at me with hunger almost licking her lips at the prospect of getting to have me to feed her dark empty soul. When he refused point blank she then tried to offer him money he refused again with no hesitation just a little anger in his voice then she got a little impatient and frustrated and offered him power beyond his wildest imagination another point blank and really aggressive refusal and that sent her over the edge her hair started flaming up her eyes went black her face started twisting with horns and boils coming out of a now greenish looking skin and she started to grab for me as soon as my father pulled me away she tried to claw him but as soon as she touched him she burned screaming like a banshee and then it all stopped her appearance went back to normal and her anger subsided she then looked at my father and smiled she then started laughing it sent chills down my spine just the sound of it she then stopped looked at him and said. "The contract you signed is broken all that once was will once hence be again. Remember this day for it will be your last happy one. You shall now remember the poverty from hence u came and your children will suffer that poverty with u for the sins of the parents are the sins of the child." And with that she was gone leaving nothing but me and my now rather pale looking father standing there in the middle of the marketplace.

When we got home later that night the farm was in a state of destitute true to what that demon lady had told my father and I. Dad and I immediately thought of our family still inside so we ran to find my mum and little sister. How terrified they must have been Julie was only 8 and when we went inside they were huddled in a corner of the living room surrounded by rock obviously they were thrown into the windows and my family just barely missed them.

After we held each other thankful that we lived my father tells my mother and sister what happened.

He then told us all that a long time ago before he met my mother his parents suffered in poverty which led him to a demons den in an orphanage where at the mere age of 12 signed a contract with a demon so he could no longer feel the effects of poverty and that nothing shall harm his family both present and future all he had to do was send his first born with the demon who requests to fulfil his wishes. Which as he had refused the effects were rebuked and his life will now be a life of poverty and hardship.

He then looked me in the eyes and said he could never stand to lose me to a demon.

But that was 7 years ago I'm 20 now and am sick of this life my sister's 15 and can only remember this poverty none of the laughter, none of the happiness, so I am going to ensure my family's life is happy at whatever cost to me I can't stand to see them so cast down.

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