Chapter 3

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I woke up on Monday morning by my alarm and basically slapped it off my nightstand. I closed my eyes again.

"JACKY!!" Ryan shook me awake and gather my books off the floor as much as possible. I blinked my eyes open and looked at the clock. We had four minutes to be at school.

"Fuck." I got up and got dressed quickly, hopping down the stairs on one foot while putting a leg in my jeans. When we finally got to school, we were twenty minutes late. We went to the office to tell them we were here, where I saw a guy that was maybe a little younger than Ryan sitting in a chair. He had to have been new. He had long black hair and I could see parts of tattoos below his sleeve.

"Hey, you new?" Ryan asked him. The guy stood up and held out a hand.

"Uh, yeah. I'm Ron." Ryan shook his hand.

"Im Ryan and this is That's weird. We have a friend named Ronnie in-" the office lady interrupted by slapping a clipboard down on the desk.

"Sign your names." She said to Ryan and I. We signed and started towards the door.

"See ya later!" Ryan yelled and Ron waved. We walked to our class as slowly as we could, avoiding teachers. I pulled my hand away from his as we walked into science.

"Mr. Vincent!!The principals office!" He pointed to the door. I'm late almost everyday. "Mr. Seaman, I would recommend you not hang around him. He's a bad influence." I heard him say when I closed the door. I cursed under my breath and walked into the principals office.

"What is it now, Vincent." He asked in an irritated tone, not looking away from his computer.

"I was late for science." I flopped down in the chair in front of his desk and he turned to me.

"Again?" He clicked a pen. I mumbled a 'mhmm', nodding slowly.

"How do you manage to be late everyday? Is there anything you could do to get here earlier?" He scribbled something down, not looking at me.

"I can't keep people from throwing me into lockers, sir." He looked up.

"Why would someone do that?" He asked.

"Uh I don't know. The way I dress I guess..? My piercings maybe..?" I suggested. He sighed and lifted his eyebrows, looking down at his paper.

"Well, it's not a fashion statement, kid. It's a death wish." He mumbled.

"Are you fucking serious? That's all you have to say?" He shot his head up.

"Mr. Vincent!!!Watch your language!!" I rolled my eyes and sat back in my seat. He handed me a slip of paper. "Detention after school." I stood up and left. I wasn't going back to science. I wandered through the halls like I used to do with Mika when we got kicked out of classes. It feels like he's been gone forever. I plugged in my headphones and leaned against my locker. The bell rang, but I didn't move. The halls cleared again and the late bell rang. I jumped when I saw shoes in front of me. I looked up to see James smiling at me.

"What the fuck do you want?" I took out my headphones.

"Ditching without your boyfriend, fag?" He spat. I let out a breath and started walking away. "Where ya goin?" He asked, pulling me back by my shirt.

"FUCK OFF!!" I pulled away from him and tried to continue walking when my face stung. I've been punched many times. I'm used to it.

"Aw, I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?" He laughed and opened my locker, somehow fitting me inside it. "Faggot." I heard him mumble and laugh while slamming the door shut. I sat down. There's no way to get out unless someone opens it from the outside. Trust me, I've tried. I stayed in there all day until after the bell rang, I heard Ryan's laugh echoing down the hall. I stood up and pounded on the door.

Alone // Jacky Vincent & Ryan SeamanWhere stories live. Discover now