Chapter 9

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I woke up more tired than usual. We barely slept last night. Don't take that sexually. We just stayed up really late accidentally. I got up and started to walk towards the bathroom when I tripped on something. Or someone.

"What the hell!" Ryan moaned, trying to push me off of him with his eyes still closed.

"It's not my fault you're laying in the middle of the floor." I snapped, rolling off of him.

"Where else do you suggest I sleep?"

"I don't know, I'm just saying its not my fault. By the way, you need to get up." I stood up, watching him huff and roll around at the statement. He mumbled random things and buried his face in the pillow.

"Seriously." I punched his arm gently. "Get up."

"I can't." His voice was muffled and tired sounding.

"C'mon. You're making me have to be responsible. Last time I checked, I'm the younger one." I tossed his skinny jeans at him.

"FINE!!" He pushed the blankets off of himself and got up, looking extremely annoying. His hair stuck in all different directions. I laughed and started to get dressed. Once we were both dressed, we started walking to school. I was nervous. What if Ronnie and Derek changed or don't even remember me? What about Ron? We walked in silence until Ryan grabbed my hand.

"It's okay. I'm nervous too." It's almost like he read my mind. I swallowed and nodded, holding his hand tighter.

After a few minutes, we got to school early as usual. Well, usual for Ryan. We walked in hand in hand, getting a few weird looks from people. I wasn't sure if it was because we were holding hands or because I haven't been here for a few months. Either way, I didn't care. We stopped at my locker and waited for class to start.

"Jacky?" I heard someone say from down the hall. I didn't bother looking thinking it was some jock. "JACKY!!" They repeated. I looked over to see Derek Jones running towards us. I smiled and lifted my arm to wave, but before I could, he pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. "YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!" I nodded, slightly pushing him off.

"Why'd you leave your other school? Wait- are you guys... Back together?! What happened to R-"

"HOLD ON!!!!wait, how'd you know I was going to another school?" I asked.

"Ryan told me." I looked over at Ryan who was blushing. "He was a little obsessed with you for a while." Derek whispered but Ryan obviously heard, smacking Derek's arm.

"I just love you." Ryan pouted.

"Well, I guess I was obsessed with you too so it's fair."

"Hey, I'm standing right here." Derek interrupted, stepping in between us. I looked at Ryan over Derek's shoulder and his annoyed face soon turned into a smirk. This scared me. Ryan only makes that face when he has some sort of plan. I was busy studying Ryan's face when I felt hands around my back and was pulled/pushed into Derek, followed by Ryan's lips crushing into mine. I was freaked out at first but just went with it.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" Derek screamed trying to squirm out of Ryan's arms.

"Okay, what did I just walk into..?" I heard Ronnie's voice and immediately pulled away, setting Derek free.

"DON'T EVER MAKE OUT WHEN IM BETWEEN YOU TWO EVER AGAIN!!!!" Derek screamed again, breathing heavily.

"What the fuck did I miss?!" Ronnie looked slightly scared and confused. "And since when is Jacky back?!?!"

"I think it's time we told you." Ryan bit his lip and stepped forward towards Ronnie. "Um me and Jacky were dating even before he was in the hospital." Ronnie's mouth dropped open and he just stood there.

Alone // Jacky Vincent & Ryan SeamanWhere stories live. Discover now