Chapter 15

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((sorry this is so extremely short and bad, i just wanted to update this aaAAHH chapters might be shorter and more frequently posted now no promises though im sorry))


"Run away?"

I only asked to make sure I was hearing her correctly. She nodded, and then shrugged.

"People do it all the time."

"Yeah, people do, but I'm- I can't do that." I explained, shaking my head.

I wasn't sure what I was explaining though, because I didn't have an explanation. It was just so unrealistic. I couldn't fucking run away. This isn't a fucking fictional book or something. If it was, things would have been going my way a long time ago.

"Why not? What's it gonna hurt? They'll probably just give up and let you stay there." Inferno argued. I sighed.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you're even serious. First of all, it's going to hurt me, dude. I can't miss school- I have to graduate, you know. Second, that shit's illegal, remember? I'm not eighteen. Also I'm pretty sure my aunt would kill me, because-"

"Ryan, bro, calm down. Who cares? you're never going to be happy here- you have to do it. Plus, it'll be an experience, or whatever." She continued, and she was actually making some pretty convincing points. I knew I couldn't though. "You know, living life to the fullest."

"Are you trying to say you only-"

"No, I most certainly am not trying to say that, and don't ever use that phrase, ever." She cut me off before I could finish, and I rolled my eyes. "But anyway, I'm just saying, you should do it. It wouldn't be as hard as you think."

"Yes it would! How am I even going to get there? I don't have a car or anything,"

"The bus, dude. It's so easy."

Okay, yeah, that made sense, and it was looking easier and easier. I was still giving her a skeptical look though when the bell rang and she stood up.

"So now that you're definitely doing it, meet me after school for part B of the plan." She said before grabbing her backpack and disappearing back into the school building.

So I guess I'm running away?

Alone // Jacky Vincent & Ryan SeamanWhere stories live. Discover now