Chapter 10

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A/N: Hi! So I don't really know how long it's been since I updated, but to me it feels like a while. I've just been dreading writing this chapter because it's all emotional and shit. Sorry. Yeah but I saw this picture on Ronnie's instagram of the whole band and Ryan and Jacky were being all cute and so this happened. I got feelings and wrote a chapter. so FUCKING ENJOY! Btw thanks so much for reading xo


I've fallen into a sort of depression. I'm not sure if you'd call it that but that's what it feels like. It's not fun. Every time I start to think its getting better, it only gets worse and it's been going on for almost two weeks. I've stayed in my room, alone, listening to music. Ryan comes in occasionally to try to get me to come out or eat or something but I won't. I can't help but tell him to leave when he comes in. It's just an impulse. I feel terrible.

It was about 4pm and I sat on the edge of my bed, listening to music, basically just staring at the walls. It wasn't that extremely boring considering they're covered in posters, but it gets old sometimes. I furrowed my eyebrows at the low sound emitting from my stomach. I was fucking starving. The last time I ate was about 2 days ago, only because Ryan came in and forced me to eat a sandwich. I missed him. I missed my mum. I missed Mika. But mostly, for reason, I missed Ryan. No. Wait. Not for 'some reason'. It's because I fucking love him and I've forgotten that. I forgot that I cared about anything, but I do; and everything I do care about, I'm completely shutting out.

My thoughts collided with reality when the door inched open slightly, making a soft creaking sound. I looked over to see Ryan looking through the crack.

"Hi." He said quietly.

"Hi..." I returned.

"So um.." He pushed the door open more and leaned his head on the wall. "What's up?"

"Nothing really.... Thinking." He nodded.

"So, you wanna.. I don't know, do something? Like outside?" He timidly pressed. I scoffed unintentionally and scooted back to sit cross legged.

"I was planning on sleeping."

He pushed the door fully open quickly and shut it, walking over to me until he was inches from my face.

"I miss you, okay?" He muttered in an almost hurt tone. I could feel his warm breath on my lips.

I didn't know what to say. I studied his face, searching for any emotion. I saw a flicker of desire, but it quickly faded. He almost walked away, but I forcefully wrapped my arms around his neck. I was standing on my toes, the only way I could reach his lips.

"Jacky... I.." He cut himself off by wrapping his arms around my waist and gingerly attaching his lips to mine. I deepened the kiss, suddenly not wanting to be alone anymore. It was all I wanted before. We stood for what seemed to be a long time until I fell back onto my bed and Ryan followed, using his arms to hold himself up. His hands started to pull up my shirt, and I let him, our lips only parting for those few moments. And then he did something unexpected; trailing kisses up my wrist, over the scars, and then up my neck, forcing a small moan from me.

"Ryan!!!" I heard my mum yell from downstairs and Ryan leapt up. If it wasn't for that, IM sure it would've gone much further.

-Ryan's P.O.V.-

I jumped up and ran downstairs, my heart still pounding from the slight heart attack I just had. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, there was a older looking woman with black hair standing in the doorway and next to her was Jacky's mum.

"You must be Ryan!" The woman said with an overly cheerful fake smile. I nodded slowly.

"Your mother hasn't been home lately, right?" She continued, talking to me like I was four. I nodded again, wondering where this was going. Who the fuck is this woman?

"Mhmm. Well, I'm your mothers sister, or your aunt. My name's Claire." She smiled wider if that's possible and held out a hand. I shook it not really having much of a choice. "You'll have to come live with me in New York until you're of legal age." She let go of my hand, ending the awkwardly long handshake and my mouth dropped open.

"A-are you serious?! Legal age?! I'm 17! Shouldn't that be old enough?!" Her expression shifted to a sort of sorrowful smile.

"I'm sorry, it's the law and I'm your nearest relative." I just stood and wished this wasn't happening. What about Jacky? Derek and Ronnie? This lady, who's apparently my aunt who I've never met, just walks in here and is forcing me to move from Utah to New York?!

"B-but..." I tried to think of a way I could get out of it, but I just can't. "When do I leave?" She looked down at her watch.

"I'd like to be on our way by five."

I ran back upstairs, seeing as I only had about a half hour to pack everything. After I was packed, my room was basically empty. It was a little depressing. At least I'm almost 18 so I don't have to be there that long. This was going to suck. I have to go to a new school too. Which means more people to hate me. Wonderful. I shut my door and walked out into the hall where I only had one thing left to do.

"Jacky?" I knocked on his door softly. A while later, he opened it and looked up at me. Fuck, this is gonna be hard.

"What did my mum want?" He asked, moving so I could come in. I didn't. He gave me a confused look but seemed to brush it off.

"Um... She um..." I started to choke on my words.

"You okay?"

"I'm moving to New York."

A/N: I know this chapters kind of really short BUT the next one will be up super soon ^.^

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