Chapter 6

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I was actually excited for the first time in a while. Even since I can remember. It was Friday and Gerard told me to come over after school. That meant Mikey would be there, obviously. I walked into my last class, maths, slowly and took my normal seat in the back in front of Mikey. 

"Hey!!" Mikey whispered. He started talking more a few days ago. He turned me around by my shoulder. "You still coming over?" He asked, pushing some hair out of his face. I smiled and nodded. I impatiently tapped my foot the rest of class while we learned something about maths. I really don't pay any attention. When the bell finally rang, I ran out the door and waited by Gerard's locker. 

"VINCENT!!" I heard Gee yell from down the hall. I could've sworn it was Mika. He always called me that. I blinked to get him out of my head. I didn't want to think about him. I ran towards him and followed him to his car where Mikey was waiting in the front seat. I got in the back and Gerard got in the front. The drive wasn't very long but I got confused when we went into my neighborhood. 

"Do you live here?" I asked. 

"Yep." Gerard replied, parking in the driveway of a house, a few doors down from mine. We went up to his room and he turned on the play station sitting on the floor. 

"GEEEEEE!!!!" Someone yelled from outside the window. We walked over to it to see Frank looking up at us. 

"Use the tree, Frankie!" Gerard yelled back in annoyed tone. Frank climbed up the tree next to the window and laid down on the floor, out of breath. 

"Franks not allowed at our house anymore..." Gee said laughing slightly. 

"He almost caught it on fire!!" Mikey added from the hallway.

"Whatever Mikes!!" Frank stood up. "Gee, could I talk to you?" He said quieter. Gerard nodded to me almost to say get out. I turned and opened the door without looking and tripped over Mikey who was sitting on the floor with his head against the wall.

"Shhh!" He pulled me down and put his hand over my mouth.

"Gee...I really like you, okay?" We heard Frank admit. We looked at each other at the same time.

"I knew it!!!I fucking knew it!!" He whispered, but, not so quietly. Gee opened the door and stared down at him with his hands on his hips.

"Oh shit." He mumbled in fear. "Alright, It's time to go, Jacky." He stood up running for the stairs, laughing. Gee smirked at me and motioned for me to follow Mikey. I ran down the stairs after him until we ended up somewhere down the street.

"Gee's gonna kill us." He barely said, out of breath when we stopped.

"Yeah, and not to mention my broken ass ankle." I sat down on the sidewalk. I don't think you're supposed to run on a broken ankle. We were right across the street from Ryan's house.

"What happened?" He asked sitting next to me.

"Well, It's kind of a long-" My sentence trailed off when I saw Ryan and Ron walk out of his house. When I saw him looking at me, I looked down.

"Jacky?" He asked, still far away. I didn't answer.

"Who's that?" Mikey leaned in and whispered. I didn't have time to answer.

"Jacky!" He yelled running across the street, Ron following short behind, slower. I stood up and once he got over, he attacked me in a hug.

"Holy fuck you're alive." He held me tighter. I guess he noticed I wasn't hugging him back and backed up and studied my face. "Is it because of what happened, because I told you we'd still be-" I cut him off.

"No. I'm absolutely fine with it. I've moved on too." Without looking, I grabbed Mikey's hand and pulled him closer. I'd explain later. Ryan had a shocked, weird look on his face.

" We should all hang out sometime.." He gave an obvious fake half smile and walked back across the street, getting in his car. I didn't realize I was still holding Mikey's hand until after a while and pulled it away quickly.

"S-sorry.." I looked down again, mentally slapping myself in the face.

"It's okay. Now can you tell me?" 

I sighed and sat down in my yard, motioning for him to sit too. I told him the entire story of everything that's happened. Everything that put me where I am right now. If it weren't for Ron, I might be in my room with Ryan without any broken bones. The only thing I left out was the self harm. It's only been about a week but It's already become a bit of a habit. I wanted at least one person in my life to think I'm somewhat sane. By the time I was done, it was getting dark.

"Well that just means we can have fucked up lives together." Was the last thing he said before I fell asleep.

"MIKEY!!!" I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes and Gee kissing Mikey's face all over. "DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!!" He screamed.

"Okay, clam down Gee. We just fell asleep out here. This is Jacky's house." He pointed backwards and put his beanie back on his head.

"I never said you had tot sleep outside for eavesdropping." He said, folding his arms.

"Yeah, you twats!" Frank added.

"Oh, and where did Frankie stay last night?" Mikey snapped, smiling, and stood up, copying Gees posture. Gee looked around without saying anything. "I won't tell mum if you shut up about the whole 'eavesdropping incident'." He did air quotes and Gee nodded quickly. We all went back to the Way's and started watching a movie. About half way through, Gee and Frank were asleep and Mikey went to get coffee. When he got back, he went to hand me the coffee while not looking, and just hit it against my arm. Some of it spilled out and got on the couch.

"Fuck." He laughed a little and grabbed the coffee out of my hand, but stopped. That's when I remembered I took off my sweatshirt. His smile faded and he grabbed my wrist gently. He just looked down at the scars until he looked up slowly with a sincere look on his face.

"P-please don't tell me you did this to yourself." I could hear the strain in his voice. "And don't try to lie. I have Gerard. I know when people lie about this shit." I looked at him for a moment before slowly nodding. He let out a breath which made tears slip down my face. I don't know why, I guess I just didn't want him to have to worry for me. Before I could say anything, I felt his warm lips against my cold ones for just a moment. 

"I want you to promise you'll get better." He whispered. "Please." 

"I-I promise." I let the words slip out, although I wasn't sure I would keep my promise.

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