Chapter 5 - The End of Term.

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The first year of school had come and gone in a blur. Lessons for the were over and you had one day of freedom before getting on he train. George has asked if you'd wanted to stay over with them and their family for the summer, to which obviously, you'd said yes. Mr Weasley had arranged it at work with Stan and you'd be collected from the station by Mrs Weasley.
Obviously, you hadn't packed a thing so after getting dressed breakfast you pushed everything into your trunk. Ink pots, quills, clothes, and books all went flying as you hurriedly pulled a jumper on over your tshirt. Glancing round you checked everything was safely in your trunk before putting Gideon's empty cage on next to it. Fred had borrowed him last night to send a letter ahead for his younger sister, letting her know all about the friend they were bringing back for the summer. Content that everything was finished you dashed back up to the great hall to meet Fred and George.

"Hiya! Hey I've been thinking..." you said slightly out of breath,
"That's a first." Snorted Fred, George chucked.
"Shut up," you said holding up a hand,"We should do something like big, pull a big prank for the end of the year or something."
"That's not actually a bad idea." George agreed, eyebrows raised.

You huddled in the cortyard after breakfast, brainstorming together. In the end you decided to put a charm in the front stairs, making them liquid when someone stepped on them. George had his brows furrowed and tongue sticking out as he concentrated on the charm whilst you and Fred held lookout.

You all went about your day, trying to keep straight faces, then, the moment came, the three of you ran ahead of everyone jumping the four steps and sitting by the fountain. Sure enough your classmates started screaming and trying to pull each other out of the once solid stairs. The three of you were laughing so hard you haven't noticed Flitwick coming towards you waving his wand at the steps and putting them right.

"Weasley, Munford, Weasley! Would you care to explain? No, actually I don't want to hear it! The three of you have detention the second you return!" He went to turn on his heel but looked back at you all over his shoulder, "on the other hand good charm work, I'll appreciate a good spell when I see one." He winked and went on his way.

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