Chapter eight: Pretending.

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Chapter eight: Pretending.  

I didn't think I could remember what the world used to be like before the apocalypse. All I remembered were the smiles that people had on their faces when nothing went wrong in their lives. Now there were no more smiles and a lot more problems to share.

"You should eat." Daryl shoved a granola bar in my face which I happily took.

"Thanks." I unwrapped the wrapper and took a huge bite out of it. It sunk nicely into my stomach and I never thought a granola bar could taste so good. I did miss chocolate every now and again and sometimes I craved it but I knew I couldn't have it because it was not around anymore or we just never found it.

We were trailing along an empty road but to notice that the walkers were further behind us. It didn't seem to bother Daryl since they weren't chasing us. It was like they didn't even notice that we were even here. We were just two people who were acting like walkers but we weren't. I was glad I didn't have to run. I was tired of running and I think Daryl was too.

"You do realise that there is a heard right behind us?" I reminded him just in case.

"I know but they aren't harming us and if we run, they will follow." He said. I nodded, thinking about how smart he was and how much of a good person he was. A really good person and that was one of the things I liked about him. He could be a real badass one minute and a real gentleman the next.

"Why don't we camouflage just in case." I suggested, hoping he'd agree.

"We're not lizards." He grunted.

I sighed. "I know but we could camouflage from the walkers. I know it's gross but it might save our lives."

"Only if we need to." He mumbled and I didn't say anything else. It was hard to make conversation with him because he was so quiet and secure about himself.

I looked behind me and noticed a lot more walkers in my sight and they were getting closer. "Daryl, we should go." I said, feeling like scared Beth again.

"We'll be fine." He brushed my concerns off like it didn't matter.

"Walkers. Don't you see them?" I snapped, feeling terrified.

"Of course I do, I'm not blind." Why did I even bother? Daryl clutched his crossbow and turned around to look at the many walkers that were on the same road. "Okay, into the forest." I sighed with relief. Finally!

We quickly headed into the forest and into more trees and bushes. It felt like Daryl and I were the only ones left in this world that are alive. Sure, we found others but we hadn't in a while. It was just Daryl and Beth, fighting these walkers alone.


"See? We can use this walkers remains and just pretend." I said as we both stood over a dead walker that Daryl just killed.

"This isn't one of your sick games is it?" Daryl glared at me.

"No, it's to camouflage from the dead." I took out my knife and knelt down.

"Woah." Daryl knelt down with me and took the knife from me. "Slow down."

"I just want to feel useful."

Daryl sighed. "No, we just have to keep running. Whatever is inside of that thing could infect us." Daryl was right. It might be a smart idea but it could also be stupid.

"Fine." I took my knife back and got myself up and followed Daryl along another path that could lead to anywhere and thinking about that scared me a little.

"It was a good idea." Daryl mentioned as I walked beside him. "But, that's not what we need right now."

"I guess I was thinking about Glenn and what he would do." I said.

Daryl chuckled. "Yeah, he would do something like that." I hadn't really heard him mention the others in a while and it felt nice talking about them for once. It felt like they were right here beside us just sharing the laughter.

Wouldn't that be nice?


"Run!" Daryl took my hand and pulled me away from the scene that unfolded quickly.

"Stop!" I yelled to the people with guns.

"Beth, hurry!" Daryl let me go in front of him as he started shooting arrows at the people who kept shooting their guns at us. I hid behind a tree next to where Daryl was and he quickly did the same.

"We don't want no trouble," one man yelled, "we only want what you have. Give it to us now and we won't harm you." I didn't say anything. I was shaking and scared for my life. Walkers could have heard the gunshots.

"It won't be long before the dead come for you." Another voice shouted. Daryl placed his long finger to his mouth, indicating for me to stay quiet. Don't worry, I didn't plan on saying anything anytime soon.

I heard the crunching of the leaves as the unknown people tried to get to us. I held my knife tightly, realising now that a gun would be better but louder. I just wanted to pretend that I was not here right now.

I was on a deserted island with big palm trees with an amazing sunset that outlooked the blue clear ocean. Anywhere but here would be nice.

I was snapped back to reality as I could sense people nearby. Shots were fired, bringing the dead to us. I didn't have a plan but I was hoping Daryl could use that smart brain of his to come up with one and fast. Otherwise we were dead.

I heard more footsteps come our way but I could sense the person was near the tree I was standing behind. "Come out, come out wherever you are." The man said, he sounded awfully familiar as I heard him talk.

"Daniel?" I shouted, picturing his face.

"Who said that? Did you guys say my name?" He asked the other men. I didn't hear anything and Daryl looked confused. He aimed his crossbow at them and shot one arrow. We heard screaming and that was when I knew it was him.

I showed myself and luckily it only hit him in the arm. I sighed with relief. "Come out, Daryl. It's safe."

Daryl stood next to me as the familiar man turned around. "Beth?"

Fighting Walkers - With Him (The Walking Dead, Series three - Beth and Daryl) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now