Chapter 3: Something about you

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There's something about your smile, the way the your hair falls at the side of your neck, the way your eyes glow with the reflection of the sun, how you straighten your body and the way you walk and talk, and how you stand out among the rest.


He shuffled the pictures taken from his previous projects and events on his Nikon D810 DSLR camera. He sighed in frustration because he doesn't have any event to cover. No project or event means no fee, no fee another overdue electricity bills and rental payments. Living in an apartment has been difficult for him, and he has been away from his family for a while since middle school. The last event he covered was the graduation in Venheighs University aside from his small earnings as a driver and the fees he received was only enough to pay off a little amount for the rent.

As he continued to scan, a photo of a girl standing under a big tree during that said graduation captured his eyes. She was tall and has a long light-brown wavy hair. Her head was looking down and her arms are crossed in front of her chest. He swiped left through the screen and the next photo was still her. Now it was a little bit up close and her head was looking straight to somewhere, her hands holding the tips of her hair as if she was playing with it. He zoomed the photo and he remembered her. She was the girl who was crying and that he lend her his hanky. He turned on his laptop and connected the camera to transfer the photos.

Suddenly, there's a knock on his door. He had second thoughts to open the door. He wasn't ready to face the landlady or the loan shark.

*knock knock knock*

It keeps on knocking.

'Man, are you in there? Open up.' A familiar voice spoke.

He opened the door and his friend man-hugged him. "Man! How'd you doin'?"

"Good good. What are you doing here?"

His friend walks around the room and checking out his stuff. "Well, I've got nothing to do tonight and I was thinking if we could go out. You know, chill. Just like old times." He did not respond.

"C'mon Ash. You look like you'll rot in here." He was still thinking. Actually, he already made up his mind he doesn't want to answer.

"Hey man, who's this girl?"

His friend was scanning through his computer and saw the girl from earlier. "I don't know man." He replied plainly and closed the computer's lid.

"Look man, I can't go out right now. I'm kinda in middle of something." He finally speaks up.

"What're you busy at? Stalking this chic? She looks so young. Fresh meat has never been your style." He was thinking of an answer.

"What?! No. I'm actually looking for another job or something like I can part-time or just a sideline. I need an extra income to pay off my rent." What he said was actually true.

His friend felt sorry after hearing what he said. "I'm sorry man. I didn't know you were actually having a hard time. Anyway I'll be looking for something for you. And if ever you will change your mind later just call me."

"Yeah man. Thanks." And his friend patted his back and left.

He was walking through and fro rehearsing his lines in front of the mirror and even used a white board to write down his script. There's a long plain white curtain hanging to cover the cracked walls, the lightings were perfectly angled, tripod and camera, he changed and is now dressed in a business suit. He's all set. He'll make a video résumé for his job applications. He finally pressed the shutter to start the recording and stood in front of the camera. He looked straight at the lens of the camera.

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