Chapter 23: Women in town

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Gabby is seated right next to Lily, and Zeed sat next to Gabby. "Can we change place?" Zeed asked Gabby who is working with her knotted earphones. "No, I got here first." She spat. "But I want to sit next to Lily." "She doesn't want to sit next to you." "Why?" He asked with a hurtful tone. "Because she said you're annoying." Zeed pout his lips like kid. And Gabby grinned evilly. Lily made a deep sigh. Gabby and Zeed looked at her. 

"You okay?" Gabby asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." Zeed rested back in his seat. "How long will this take us?" "Probably, half a day if the weather is good. Why?" "Nothing." "Oh, that is nothing on your face. Tell me. Boyfriend problems?" She beamed. "Not even. I just want this work done." Lily shrugged. 

They were in Leslie's Ford 4x4. Lily kept on pressing the lock button of her phone. She got pissed the way Ashton acted as if she needed Aston's approval for her leaving nor does he need to even bother her where she wants to go. Nobody holds her or owns her; even Miss Sanchez, her parents, or Ashton. She hates to be anyone's property. Lily took a deep breath and decided to entertain herself for the long drive instead of pissing. She opened her phone again and went to Facebook.

Ashton was tagged on a photo of Trisha McGill 8 hours ago

Lily opened the photo of Ashton and the girl Trisha. She clicked her profile and did the background check. They went to the same school, she presumed, seeing that they had a picture together with the same id line yard in uniform. Lily thought they were together last night since Ashton asked her not to wait up for him. She knew it didn't mean anything for her but then she can't deny the small pang she felt in her chest. She closed her Facebook instead, not wanting to drown in jealousy of how beautiful that Trisha is and her oh-so-wealthy-life. Lily thought of how she is different to her. She looks like a super model and a rich and successful business woman. While Lily is actually good shape, but her success is nowhere near her. Yet.

After an hour and a half of travel, everyone is setting up. There was Leslie and her colleague discussing over something on the side in front of their laptops. The photographer they were discussing the other day is busy giving tasks to his team that is helping him with the mirrors and lightings to be used. The models changed in the van and Lily waited outside for them to finish. She checked her phone one last time for messages, but she got none. The first model walked out of the van in a black pointed-toe pump and black leathered jeans. A white lines and moss green patterns scarf hung on her neck. Lily stepped closer to her and tied the scarf again. The model's bare shoulders show off in small peeped holes on the three-fourths sleeves. The stylist they went along accessorizes the models and Gabby and Lily stepped aside from the view of the camera and watch them do their poses. Zeed went through his clothes for the next set. His hands examined every detail of the coat Miss Sanchez requested him to 'make it more feminine'. Gabby walked on his side and reassured him there's nothing to worry about the clothes, especially the coat. Zeed joined them later on. Their works were in different colors but all of them are edgy and it did not contrast to their setting for the photoshoot. They set up an 'on-the-road' concept where most women love to travel to get things away from the busy city. They went in different angles of women to different characteristics of women and the clothes they wear portray who they are or what they want to be. Lily was elated deep down when she sees her clothes were presented. Her failure last fashion show wasn't about her unartistic designs but a pure human error. When she was asked to set a new trend for the women's wear, it was her chance to design better than she ever had. It may be difficult to deal with pressure, but pressures meant for her to make something beautiful out of it. The sun is high and the models starts to sweat making it difficult to prevent when they let them stand on the highway or on the side of the road. Lily went inside the car they used as the rest of them started to pack and decided to shoot somewhere indoor.


"Hey Lily! Where were you last time when we hadour girls' night out?" Gabby asked. "You missed Leslie and Hershey lose thebet." She chuckled remembering the night. "Oh. I – uh – went out with a friend.We haven't kept in touch that's why." Lily explained as they walk past therooms in the small inn they found. "We should go to the beach some time youknow, us and the others as well. We agreed last time to have a vacation afterthe show but we didn't." "Yeah I remember. Miss Sanchez is such a buzz killer.Let's do it this weekend." Lily suggested gleefully. 

Leslie overheard theirconversation and butted in. "Hey hey! Don't go without me. Where are we going?"She walked inside of the room with them and left their bags unscathed andhopped on the bed. "Okay, so we need to tell everybody when we get back in thecity for our vacation. We need the head count. Although it'll be much fun ifeverybody will go." Gabby said. "But where?" Leslie asked again. Her colleaguewent in with a phone on her hand. "Miss Sanchez." She gave it to Leslie. Lesliemouthed, "Speaking with the devil" as she went out of the room. "We'll pick theplace later." Gabby flicked her brows at Lily. Lily grinned and opened herbrowser on her phone. "But how can we tell them that we're having a vacationwithout the place?" Zeed interject. "Relax Zeed boy. I got it." Lily saidconfidently. "You guys are going to love this." Gabby beamed. Lily and Gabbylaid flat on their stomach while Gabby lists their itinerary and Lily bookedtheir hotel. "Approximately we're about 14." Gabby started counting in herhead. "There's you, and me, Zeed, Leslie and her colleague, Abigail, Sasha,Brandon, Cody, Michelle – " " – Michelle's boyfriend, Kevin. I'm sure she'llbring him." Zeed interject. Gabby eyed him. "What? I know they're inseparable."Gabby shrugged. "You should bring your girlfriend too, Zeed." Gabby and Lilylaughed. "I'll tell her." He sardonically replied. "Oh there's Larry, the productionassistant and Jason and Enzo on their team." Gabby added on her list. "We needtwo more." Lily informed. "Why?" "So we can get a discount if we're 15 plusstaying." "Why two more and not one?" Zeed asked who was sitting on the bedwith them playing candy crush. Lily internally groaned that he keeps oninserting in their conversations abruptly. "Good question genius." Lilyanswered and Gabby laughed. "We need two so that it wouldn't be hard for theroom division. We would even out." "Oh." Zeed shrug. "Abi might bring her hubby;you can bring a plus one too." Gabby suggested. Lily thought of asking thegirls. "Uh- okay. I'll ask my best friend." "Great!" She thought it would be agood time for them as well. "Guys, we're heading home tomorrow, first thing inthe morning." Leslie announced as she walks back in the room. "I have a goodfeeling about our vacation." Gabby whispered to Lily. Lily smiled.    

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