Chapter 13: Epic Runway

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Okay I need to breathe. I keep on repeating and repeating and repeating this over myself. But this feels like I have never done something like this before. I'm sure I did fashion shows before during college but not like this. This is big and grand and... it feels so new. 

"Lily!" Crap I hear Miss Sanchez holler. I got out of the dresser and I'm covered in sweat. She saw me and walked towards me stomping her feet. "What the hell was that? And why are you doing in the dresser? Oh my gosh! You could've destroyed the clothes!" 

She's stressing out too much, too much on me. This is a red flag for her but I'm now waving a white flag. "I'm so sorry miss but Jenna said I can switch the clothes to be worn by the models because it fits better." I replied timidly. 

"First of all, you're not the supervising designer to know when to switch clothes on models. And second of all, who on earth is Jenna that you listened to her than me, your director. And lastly, get the hell out of here before you'll mess this up again." Ouch. That stings. First time in my fashion career I felt this - disappointment. I'm sure I had a lot from past experiences and those were rough too but this... it feels like I failed. Not just my professors but Miss Eleanor herself.

When the models went back inside the stage they were frantic about how odd they look on ramp and the way they walk, and when Miss Eleonor went back stage and she checked the dresses that totally made them look like toads without feet. She didn't say anything or maybe I didn't hear it at all. But you can see in her face that she is tensed up. And the way she looked at me, her eyes filled with disappointment. I'm sure it was me. She didn't blink for a second before looking away and went back on her seat. And Miss Sanchez, who was all goodie I thought at first but now, her beast is really hungry to eat me. I'm not going to let her. This is my first and hopefully won't be my last fashion show on Prada.

I pick up my bag on the desk. My colleagues are still waiting for their turn on the line. Miss Sanchez is still growling over everybody who doesn't get it right for her when things are already right. I'm starting to hate her. But I feel sorry for those who were under her compulsion. Even me.


I walked on my way home when I felt my phone vibrated. It was Eric. At this hour? I pick up though. "Hey what's up?" I say. 

"Hey I'm so sorry to disrupt you. I need to ask you a favor." He let out a heavy breath over the line. "It depends on what kind of favor you're asking." "It's not going to harm you or anything. I promise. I just need you to let Ashton spend the night at yours. He passed out already and I'm in front of your room." 

Was that even a favor? 

"Why not at yours? I thought you were friends who share stuff and all." I'm not letting that guy sleep on my bed.

 "Just one night please. My girlfriend is there and she will freak out if she sees me with Ashton, again, and will totally not gonna pay off my rent. Please please please." Eric pleaded.

"I'm on my way up." I hung up. I look at my reflection on the silver box lifting me to the 10th floor. I was with Ashton 2 days ago and now he's gonna be sleeping in my apartment, again. I'm so full of him lately. What is wrong with the Earth's cycle?

I saw Eric still holding up Ashton on his arm on his shoulder. He is really weak in drinking. Seriously, this is the second time I saw him drunk. I walk in front of my door and pulled out the key card. "How did you even know my number?" I ask Eric without looking back at him. I switched on my lights pointed him to put Ashton on the couch instead. 

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