●Chapter 12●

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Luna's pov

We were home but the break wasn't over yet. So I woke up snuggled next to Subaru, he wrapped his arm around my waist and smiled "Morning" "Good morning" I gave him a quick kiss then when to the bathroom to change. I changed into my black tank top and gray sweatpants with my black vans and put my pajamas on the counter. I brushed my teeth then put my hair into a ponytail. "Hey Luna you done I have to pee" "Yeah I'm done" I opened the door and he rushed in and pushed me out. Well then your welcome º^º ... I went downstairs and grabbed my jacket, bookbag, and my water bottle.

I told Reiji I was going to the gym down that was a block away. I walked out since it only took about 5 minutes or so to walk so I obviously wasn't going to take a car. After showing the lady my card I walked in and went to my self defense class.

"Ok class today we will be sparring with partners I choose for you based on skills" I waited for everyone to be partnered up and then they got to me. "Luna your partner is Yuma" "Hey nice to meet you" I waved "Hey" we waited for the whistle and I got into my fighting stance. The teacher blew his whistle and I waited for him to charge for me to attack. He took a step and stepped back then suddenly he ran at me. I flipped over his shoulders and back kicked the back of his left knee. I turned around and pinned his arms behind him and put my knee on his back I could see him struggle and he was strong because it was starting to be hard to be able to hold him down. He gets one arm free then flips and pins my stomach down. I groaned because I hurt my leg when he flipped me like that.

"Not so much fun right?" "Shut up" I slipped around and put my foot to his back pulling back his arm "Shit" "Hmm now who's being pinned down" "I won't be for long" he tripped me and made me land on my back. He got up and almost kicked my leg again which made me jump up. He swung at me and hit my shoulder and threw two punches one near his face to distract him and the other hit him straight in the chest. He was shocked which let me circle around and pull him to the floor and put him in a head lock. His skin was super cold like Subaru's, which would explain the strength to keep up with me but still why is he taking this class then. While I was thinking he was slipping out and the whistle rung again signaling we were done.

I looked up and somehow Yuma and I had gathered quite the crowd most of the class had stopped and were staring at us. I grabbed my water bottle and bag then I saw that Yuma had started to walk away. "Hey wait up" he turned around and I ran up to him. "Hey what's up" "Are you a vampire" "Whoa what!?" "Answer the question" "Uh well I'm um" "You're uh a vampire aren't you" "Yeah so how did you know" "Well how should I say it I'm dating one and your super strength and cold skin reminded me of Subaru" "Wait Subaru ... Subaru Sakamaki!?" "Yup what about it" “Well my family isn't on good terms with the Sakamaki's" "It's fine maybe you guys can stop by one of these days just text me beforehand so you don't get killed" "Thanks very reassuring" he said with sarcasm  "No problem gotta go" I walked down the block and waved to Yuma then turned to go into the house.

I heard banging from inside. I walk in and see Ayato spinning around almost half naked with Laito who is ... fully clothed wow that's weird ... whatever. Why is Reiji upside down and swinging from the chandelier.(AN: lol it had to be done now I am currently imagining Reiji dressed like Sia and dancing XD) Elara, Hima, and Electra are throwing gummy bears everywhere.


Subaru and Kanato came down the stairs but they looked like they were 3 years old!? "Hey Reiji" "Yes?" "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL DID YOU GIVE THEM" "Language!" "Shut the fuck up whose hanging from the ceiling here" Shuu came into the room looked around for about 3 seconds then left  again while carrying out Electra. Really ... Thanks sooo much Shuu ... for nothing º^º. I picked up Kanato and held Subaru's hand bringing them with me. I will not leave these kids to these stupid people. I knocked on Vega's door and she opened the door "Could you watch these little guys for a sec"

I walked back down the hall and knocked on Yui's door. She opened it and I told her to follow me. I walk back down and tell her to find a spray bottle and meet me in the living room. I go to Reiji's drug lab and get the chloroform. Yui hands me the bottle and I pour the chloroform in it. I walk back and spray everyone except Reiji, he will be carrying all the bodies to their rooms.

I go back and get the kids from Vega I put Kanato in his bed and hand him Teddy. I grabbed Subaru's hand and walk to my room and put my pajamas back on them put him in the bed right next to me. He snuggles into my side and I hear soft snoring after a while. I guess I'll got to sleep too I kissed his check and then I was out.

(AN: wow I had no ideas for this chapter I was going to make it a filler but I just came up with this it came better than I thought I hope lol sayonara)

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