The middle.

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Hah yall thought they was gonna get freaky didn't ya 😂 this chapter is slightly longer because of what is gonna start happening...but like always. Enjoy! Comment, vote, and all that good stuff. It makes me happy.
Justin looked around quickly before picking a spot for us to sit down. He rented out the whole water park for us and made it his mission to make me feel better. Husband of the year.

"You good? You're not gonna drown are you?" He smirked and took off his shirt while I took off my coverup and revealed my bathing suit. He had jokes I see. "I can swim!" I defended myself. Justin stood up and shook his head. "Yeah, right. Says the one that thought she was gonna drown when-"

I cut him off. "Shut up! That was one time!" He laughed and it was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. "Alright, bet. We'll see." He placed me over his shoulder and ran off towards this big ass water slide. Oh he really got me fucked up now. I tried my best to get out of his grip but that only made him hold me tighter. "Oh no you don't. You have all that mouth right, baby girl? Don't let your mouth cash a check your ass can't pay back."

I shook my head and gave up. "You sounded like me when you said that." He shrugged. "I guess you're rubbing off on me....literally." I rolled my eyes and jumped down from his arms. "Come on, white ass."

"Right behind you, black ass."

"Ashae' what you doing?" My little sister, Amber, said with a curious look on her face. She was five years old and watching every little thing me and my other siblings did. "Just practicing for tonight, Amby. You wanna watch me?" She smiled and nodded. "Yes please!" She grabbed her little pink chair and sat beside my big mirror.

I switched on the music and instantly got emotional. My body moved back and forth to his voice, his lyrics and I made sure that I had no mistakes. When I was finished, I heard tiny claps. Amber cheered and watched me closely. "You did good! You think I can meet Justin?" I rolled my eyes. I know there was a catch.

"Girl, bye. He don't wanna meet yall." She frowned her face up and stood up. "Yes he do. We not that bad."

I let out a heavy sigh and took my phone out. "If I call him and let him talk to you will you be satisfied?" She quickly nodded her head and shrieked. Lord give me strength.

I went to my contacts, found his name, and clicked the dial button. Within seconds it was ringing. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous.

"What?" Justin's voice boomed through the phone, making me jump like he was right here in front of me. "Erm...hey?" I said and he sighed. "What the hell do you want? I'm busy."

"Okay, I know, rude ass motha-"

"Did you just call to argue with me? Cause I have better things to do than waste my time on somebody like you." I rolled my eyes. It hurt when he said that but oh well.

"Actually, my baby sister wanted to talk to you. She's a fan and.."

"Then put her on the phone." I handed Amber the phone and she was grinning from ear to ear. "Hey Justin!" I heard some talking on the other end and Amber was talking her little head off and probably Justin's too.

"Okay. Hey Justin can you come to my birthday party? Nobody ever comes cause our house is so small and we don't have no stuff but can you-" I snatched the phone away from her. "Sorry about that...I don't know what her problem is."

"Ashae', what's going on?" He sighed. I chewed on the outside of my lip. "Nothing."

"You're lying. Why did she say yall didn't have anything? I heard her before you took the phone back. If there's something going on then you need to-"

"I need to what?" I smacked my teeth. "Tell you? Why? You ain't gone do shit anyways!" He let out a groan. "Can you shut the fuck up for two seconds and listen to me? When is her birthday party?"

"Why? You planning on stalking my sister now? Damn I knew you was one sick fucker."

"I'm sick of your bullshit, Ashae'."

I laughed then. "News flash! Everybody is. You're not the first and you definitely won't be the last. What're you gonna do about it, huh? Not a damn thing." Hopefully fuck me to the middle of next week but...

"You're fired."
"Girl I don't even remember.." I went on to telling Chyna, one of the girls from the old club, everything that's been going on. She was another close friend that I lost connection with when Justin and I left. I'm just glad I have one person from there that still keeps it real. I stopped when I heard Justin yelling in the studio.
"Hold up, girl. Justin in there yelling about something."

I walked down the long hallway and stopped at the door.
"Ashae', what's going on?" I frowned and narrowed my eyes. Why was he talking to her? Everything inside of me was telling me to barge in but I wanted to wait a little while longer.

"You're fired." Oh shit. My mouth hung open and I held back the smile I desperately wanted to show. He actually fired her. She must have said something back because he still held the phone tightly to his ear.

"Why didn't you just say that? Huh? Where are you right now? I'm coming to pick you up. I don't want you staying there."

Staying where? Why was he planning on picking her up?

"Yes I am, Ashae' and nothing you can say will make me change my damn mind. Have your shit ready and be outside when I get there." He slammed his phone on the table and let out a few heavy breaths. He was pissed and I had no idea why.

I walked back down the hallway numb. He was my husband. Why did he care so much for a girl he's known for a split second? Justin shut the door of the studio and walked into the living room where I was. "I'm going to pick up Khalil from the airport, baby."

Lmao his ass is grass 😂 but it's been a min since its been in Meghan's POV (the original POV for yall folks that skipped the first book. I see you. *points to my eyes and then yours*) but thanks for all the support you guys show and give me. I really appreciate it and I hope that I make you all proud with this sequel.

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