The middle.

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Meghan laid on my chest and traced my cross tattoo with her index finger. I hummed and wrapped my arms around her body. She was so warm and fragile. "You good?" I asked and kissed her head. After round three, I thought for sure that I had broke something of hers because of the way she was screaming. I'm sure the other bus and everybody outside heard us as well.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a little sore." She kissed my chest and raised her head to look at me. "You?" I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Of course I'm okay, I'm the one with the penis here." She grabbed it and I hissed. "Okay, maybe I'm sore too. Just don't grab Jerry like that because he might get a little excited again."

She laughed and it was the most beautiful sight ever. "Do that again." I said and she looked at me confused. "Grab you?" I shook my head no. "Laugh again, it's so beautiful." Her lips curved into a smile and she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Go to sleep, Justin."

"I can't because you're naked and laying on top of me and I want to kiss you more and touch you and-" She placed her lips on mine for the longest time and then pulled away. "Maybe later. Right now, you need sleep."

"But can you-" She covered my mouth. "Justin go to sleep, baby boy. I'll do that thing you like when you wake up."
"Justin, Justin!" I heard somebody screaming and I quickly woke up, looking around to see what was wrong.

"Wake up before you don't have a show today!" Za yelled and jumped on the bed. I groaned and rolled over, covering my head with the covers. "Where's Megs?" He sucked his teeth. "That's all you worried about? She in hair and makeup. Get up though before I have to go out there and sing your songs for you."

He started singing Where Are Ü Now and I covered my ears. "Stop!! Stop it!" He grinned and stepped off of my bed. "Good, now get up and get dressed." He walked out the room and shut the door behind him. I got up and started getting ready.
Meghan grabbed my hand and we walked down the hallway of the arena together. "You good? No panic attacks right?" She smiled and shook her head no. "I'm good, baby. Are you good? I love you." I placed my lips on the back of her hand. "I love you too."

We walked over to where the other dancers were and Ashae' came over to us. Oh this bitch is bold.

Meghan stood behind me and rubbed her hands over my chest as Ashae' approached us with a half smile. Meghan mumbled something against my shoulder and she started talking. "I know I'm the last person that you want to see right now but I just wanted to apologize to you, Meghan. I know how messed up I've been because I tried to tear your family apart but I just-" Meghan cut her off and waved her finger in the air. "I don't want to hear your apologies. You've done this more than once and I have no sympathy for bum bitches like yourself that try to steal other women's men. That's the problem with us black women today. Always trying to be better than one another instead of helping each other out."

I looked at Shae' and rolled my eyes. "Go get dressed before I change my damn mind." She ran up to hug me but Meghan stood in front of me. Ashae' just nodded her head and ran off to hair and makeup. Meghan turned around to face me and kissed me on the lips. "You're a much better person than I am, baby." I nodded and grabbed her, pulling her close to me with my hands still on her ass. "I was about to tell her to find the nearest exit but I'm not that type of person."

Scooter came over to us and handed each of us an earpiece. "Here ya go, Lovebirds." I put the earpiece in her ear and then put mine in. Za came running down the hallway and turned to face me. "Can I say it?!" I rolled my eyes, put on my sunglasses, and walked down the hallway in front of everybody. "Go ahead before I change my mind." He grinned and screamed at the top of his lungs. "It's show time!!"
"I don't care what happened! Her fucking leg is twisted like a pretzel and nobody seems to fucking understand that!" I yelled to Scooter as the ambulance people strapped Meghan up on the stretcher. "Justin, okay, just let them explain-" He said and pointed towards the crew members who were responsible.

I sucked my teeth. "I don't want to hear shit! Why the fuck was that part of the stage open anyways?! She could've gotten killed! If I was in my right mind right now all of them would've been on the damn street looking for a new job!" Scooter came up to me and pulled me to his chest. "Justin, man, it's okay...she's okay. She'll be okay."

I snatched away from him and walked back over to where Meghan was. I grabbed her hand and held on to it tightly. "Baby, are you okay? Does anything else hurt?" She shook her head no and I kissed her forehead. "I love you so much. Please be okay..." She gave me a weak smile and one of the ambulance men tapped me on the shoulder. "She's gonna have to go to the hospital, Mr. Bieber. She has a fracture in her knee and she may not be able to ever dance again." Meghan's smile faded and a tear fell out of her eye. It pained me to see her like this because dancing is her passion. This is something she loves and it's being snatched away from her.

She let out a heavy sigh and held on to my hand tighter. I kissed her hand and smiled over at her. "Baby, listen to me. You're gonna be fine and you'll be out here dancing with me again in no time. God's got us. Ok?" She nodded and they lifted her up on to the ambulance. I jumped in with them and they shut the doors and pulled out of the arena with the sirens blasting.

"Justin..." She whispered and I looked over at her. The men gave her some medicine to numb the pain and she motioned for me to come here. I leaned over and she whispered in my ear. "I've never been in an ambulance before." I chewed on my bottom lip and then busted out laughing. Soon, she laughed too and the men looked at us like we were crazy.

At the hospital, they quickly rushed her to the back for an emergency surgery and we all waited in the waiting room to hear from the doctor. The twins were coloring in their coloring books and Aysia was stalking Tyga's Instagram. She sighed. "Daddy...does this mean I won't see my husband?"

I chuckled and kissed her head. "Uncle Alfredo offered to take you to see your-" Before I could finish my sentence, she jumped out of the chair and ran to the other side of the waiting room where he was at. "Thank you!!" She hugged him around the waist and he picked her up, putting her on his back. "Anything for my favorite niece." She rolled her eyes. "I'm your only niece."

The doctor came out with a folder in his hand and motioned for me to come here. Everybody stood up and I walked over to the corner where he showed me an X-Ray. "Your wife is a trooper, Justin." I smiled and rubbed my hands together. "Tell me something I don't know, doc." He patted me on the back and put the X-ray in my hand. "She's good to go. Just make sure she stays off of that leg for a couple days and she'll need all of the help she can get." I just nodded and looked at the X-ray again. "It's fixed though?"

"It's fixed. Just fragile. She'll have to be very very careful....I don't recommend her dancing for awhile but if she so desires to, keep it at a minimum."

I shook his hand and thanked him for his hard work. Ashae' walked up to me and rubbed my shoulder, making me jump. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to make sure she was okay. That was a pretty hard fall and-"

"I don't want to talk about it. Thanks I guess." I walked away from her and back to the waiting room where everybody was still standing up. "She's good. Just can't really dance anymore."

I grabbed my kids and took them out to the car, bypassing all of the screaming fans and paparazzi. I didn't want to stick around to answer anymore questions. All I wanted was to get my family safe. After I made sure they were locked up in the car, I went back inside and caught up to the doctors as the brought Meghan out to the car in a wheelchair. I picked her up. "Be careful, baby." She mumbled against my shoulder and I nodded. "We're gonna get you back in that warm bed, ok? Everything's gonna be okay."

I put her in the front seat and shut the door. I got in the driver's seat and slammed the door shut. Meghan turned to look at me and I just lost all control. I couldn't control the cries that escaped my mouth. She rubbed circles in my back and kept whispering how everything was going to be okay. I wiped the tears from my eyes and readjusted my sunglasses. "I'm good."

Meghan grabbed my hand and shook her head. "It's okay to not be okay. You're overwhelmed and you don't have to pretend around me. Around us." She pointed to the kids as well. They had worried looks on their faces. Aysia was hugging her brothers, trying to make them feel better.

"Don't cry, daddy. Mommy is ok." She said and smiled at me. I smiled, turned back around, and started the car up. "Who wants ice cream?"

And now the shit begins.

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