The epilogue pt. 2

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"Meghan, baby, I love you but you're cutting off the circulation in my hand!" I tried not to yell at her but she was seriously ten seconds away from breaking it. "If they ask me if I want the epidural, say no." She gritted her teeth and breathed slowly. I sat up in the hospital chair and looked at her. "Are you sure, shawty? I mean it'll hurt.."

"You think that helps me?!" She yelled at me. "I know how much it fucking hurts, Justin! There's a baby ripping my vagina! You don't get to tell me how much it hurts!" I chewed on the inside of my mouth and shut up. I learned a long time ago not to argue with a woman while she's giving birth. "Oh my god..get this thing out of me!" She yelled at the nurses, who checked to see how far along she was.

"Okay, you're at 10 cm, baby. You can push." The nurse told her and pushed her legs back.
"She's so beautiful..." I cooed and held my baby girl in my arms. She had my eyes and looked exactly like me. Meghan smiled over at us sleepily. "She looks so much like you." She said and yawned.

"I can't believe she's here." I said, not looking up from our baby girl. She grabbed on to my finger tightly and I kissed her little hand. "Looks like she's a daddy's girl already."

I smirked. "Well her mom is a daddy's girl so..." Meghan rolled her eyes and let out a huff. "You're lucky you're holding my baby in your arms or I would've thrown this pillow upside your head for that one." I smiled and turned to face her.

"Did I ever thank you?"

She looked confused. "Thank me for what, love?" I leaned down and kissed her forehead. "For loving me and giving me everything I could ever dream of. Everything that I ever wanted and needed I found it in you, Meghan."

"Well, then you're welcome?" She questioned with a laugh. I walked over to the other side of the bed and laid beside her with the baby on my chest. "Should we tell them that you had the baby or save it until tomorrow?"

Meghan turned to face me, wrapped her legs around mine, and placed her hand on the baby's back. "Tomorrow, definitely. I'm too tired." She yawned again and laid her head on my chest beside the baby.

I kissed both of their heads and leaned back into the pillow. "I love you." I whispered to her and got no answer. Before I could question it, I heard faint snores coming from her mouth. I smiled to myself and watched as both of my girls slept on my chest.

"Yeah, I love you, Meghan."

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