The middle.

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Meghan's wedding ring in the MM😍
Song suggestions: Justin Bieber- Love Yourself, Justin Bieber- Sorry, Little Mix- The End.

Jayda jumped up and down around the dance studio while everybody else was talking amongst themselves, waiting for Justin to arrive. He was supposed to be here almost an hour ago but I guess his flight got delayed a bit since he was with his family.

"Mama, look at me!" She said and mocked the dance moves that Ashae' was doing. I smiled and nodded at her. "Good job, hija. You're doing great." Shae' walked over to me and sat down beside me. "She's so beautiful. She has a beautiful heart too....she's older beyond her years."

I nodded. "I get that a lot. Everybody tells me that she's been here before. I love her so much." Shae' smiled and pulled out her cell phone to check the time. "I know she loves you too."

It was already 6:30? Where was Justin at? We have a show in less than two hours and he's nowhere to be found.

"Has anybody seen the reason we're all here?!" Gina shouted and got a bunch of no's from the dancers. She sighed and turned to say something to Alfredo, who nodded and pulled out his cell phone. I guess he couldn't reach Justin either.

Quaz walked in with her bag hung loosely on her shoulder. She threw it down and walked over to me. "What the hell? Have you lost your mind?! What is that child doing here?"

I stood up and frowned. "I just thought Justin might-"

"No, you brought her here to start some shit. Don't you think you caused enough drama as it is? Get her out of here please. I don't want to hear Justin's mouth when-" As if on cue, Justin came barging in with his headphones around his neck. He was frowning at something on his phone and then looked up at all of us.

"Well hello to you too." Quaz said and put her hands on her hips. "You're late." Justin sucked his teeth and put his bag on the floor as well. "No, you're late. That's a $200 fine." Quaz opened her mouth to say something but quickly shut it.

"Some stuff is going to be changing around here so everybody gather around." He glanced over at Jayda, who was looking out of the big window, and then back down at his phone. "Now!" Everybody rushed over and sat around him as he stood in the middle.

"Rule number one, if you're late then you pay a fine. I don't care why, or who, or when you're late. Late is late and there will be a fine for it." We all started mumbling to each other and Justin cleared his throat.

"Rule number two, I make the damn decisions. Not Quaz, not Ashae', not Alfredo, and damned sure not Scooter. I make the decisions as to what's going to happen and who's going to dance with me on that stage. If you don't have what it takes to be on that stage one night? You're cut. I don't care anymore. This is my show, not yours." His nostrils flared. Oh he was pissed.

"Last but certainly not least, rule number three. If you decide to leave and not dance for me again, make sure you're not carrying my child." He cut his eyes at me, earning a bunch of "oh's" from everybody. The dancers looked scared. I probably did too. I felt a huge lump in my throat as Justin walked back over to talk to Alfredo and Gina.
"Why is Jayda here? I didn't want to meet her until we knew for sure that she was mine." I said and crossed my arms over my chest. Alfredo turned to look at Gina as well with a frown on his face. That's a true friend for you. "Why is she here? Who's responsible for this?" He said. Gina sighed and pointed to Ely. Of course she was.

"Elysandra," I said and she looked up from rubbing Jayda's hair. "Come here. We need to talk." She stood up, whispered something to Jayda, and walked over to us. Gina went and started rehearsals with the other dancers while the three of us went outside to talk.

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