Chapter 1

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The bar light was dim as he walked through the sweaty bodies, each person he past stunk of cigarettes and beer. There may have been flashing lights everywhere but the bar was considerably dark overall, the silhouettes of people dancing and grinding on everything that moved. A few girls caught his eye and he surely caught theirs. Their two perfect dainty bodies swaying to the beat of the music like their life depended on it, pressed so tightly against each other. He locked his eyes to their bodies for a slight second, watching each drop of sweat run down their lower backs. Watching how their hips moved in a perfect figure eight while almost clashing into each other every time, but they never did. One of the girls looked uneasy by him staring, so he simply backed off. He did not want to make anyone feel uncomfortable, especially if they were the lucky two that were going home with him tonight. 

He finally made his way over to the bar, snapping at the bartender to get his attention. Oliver had been here plenty of times and ordered the same thing: Jack Daniel's on the Rocks. The bartender, Tim, took one glance at him and disappeared under the counter. Tim knew his routine better than Oliver did himself, always being prepared before he even ordered something. The only thing he didn't know was what happened once Oliver took the girl, or girls, home.

He took a gulp of his drink, tapping the side of the cold glass with his nails. It was getting late and he still hadn't made his chosen one for tonight. He took another glance around the bar, analyzing everyone that he saw and looked for their flaws. Was their hair too damaged? Was their skin too dry? Are their lips too big? Are their lips too small? Did they carry a little too much weight? Were they a little too bony? He could only have the perfect chosen to take home, he would not settle for anything less than what he deserved. And he deserved nothing but perfection.

The two girls he was studying earlier were way out of sight now, not seeing the couple anywhere through the crowds. Either someone already grabbed then up, or they were smart enough to leave. He cursed silently under his breath as he turned back around and waved Tim over for another drink.

"Rough night?" Tim spoke in a loud voice over the pounding music, raising a curious eyebrow as he made the drink. He slid the glass over to Oliver, taking the empty one that only had ice in it. Oliver nodded to thank him, taking another gulp as soon as the glass was in his hands.

"I guess so. Just bad timing." He answered with a sigh, taking another huge gulp of his drink. The Jack even tasted different tonight. Something felt off about tonight and it was like he couldn't do anything to fix it. The only two chosen had already left, everyone else too disgusting to even think about. He ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair, feeling the gel rub off with his hand as he wiped it off his black jeans. "I think I'll just go home early tonight, to be honest." He added to time, tapping his nails against the glass once again. Even though the club was still roaring with life and sounds, people drowning in the heat of the moment and their own sweat, the only thing he heard was the clang of his nails on the glass. It was the only thing he could focus on, shutting everyone and everything out, even Tim. Which is why Oliver quickly noticed Tim staring at him as if he was waiting for a response to a question.

"What?" Oliver mumbled, moving his hand away from the glass and using his hand to support his head. He saw Tim chuckle and shake his head before speaking, obviously noticing how distant Oliver was today.

"You should head home, bud. Drinks are on me tonight." Tim responded before being called over by someone else, nodding to Oliver with a smile as he walked away. He finished the last drink, swirling it around in his mouth to enjoy the last sip of the burning liquid, setting the empty cup down on top of a hundred-dollar bill. Tim didn't get enough for all he did for everyone, so there was no way Oliver could leave and not pay or tip him.

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