Day 1

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"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, I can try to convince my boss to give you a job," Preston says. He leans over and looks at the things I have ready. Security guard shit, check. Flashlight, check. What else do I need?

"Yes, I'm sure. Thank you," I tell him.

"Oh come on, Brandon. You've heard the legends about that place, and I'm not letting you go into some haunted pizza place in the middle of the god damn night."

"Who are you to stop me?" I reply. He shakes his head. "And besides, no I have not heard stories. It's just a normal place."

Preston clicks his tongue, something he enjoys doing whenever people say things he calls bullshit. "It's anything but normal. Sit down, Brandon. It's story time."

I sit down on the bed, but I get pushed off onto the floor, and Preston takes my spot.

"It's said that 4 guys got killed there. Their bodies were never found, but they went missing. No one know what happened to them, but people have theories. [GAME theories. No? Okay.]"

"Like what?" I question. "And hurry up, grandma. I don't want to be late on the first day.

"They were murdered," Preston whispers. I stand up.

"Preston, I really don't have time for this right now. I'm just going to go," I say. I grab the flashlight the manager had told me to bring.

"Wait! I'm not done!" Preston yells. I ignore him and start leaving the room. He grabs my arm and yanks me to a stop.

"Preston! I'm fucking serious! I have to be there at 11 to talk to the manager!" I shout at him. "You're gonna make me late!"

"Alright, just let me finish. They say the spirits of the 4 dead guys haunt the place and possess the robots there to move at night."

"Who say?"

"The Internet." I shove his hand off.

"Yeah, yeah. Tell me the rest when I get back." The story was ridiculous, yes, but I can't help but believe him. Except for the haunting part, at least.

The man brings the chainsaw up to his shoulder, and someone screams. The man turns around to look at me and stares to walk over.

I blink, and the vision is gone. What just happened? Is this what the doctors meant when they said I'd get my memory back a bit at a time? I don't even remember what happened to me to make me get amnesia. Something like I fell and hit my head hard on the floor or something. All I know is it set me back like a year or 2 on education, something I really didn't need.

I find a guy sitting at the front desk when I finally do arrive. He's wearing a shirt that says "Bacca's Pizzas." It's the name of this place, I'm pretty sure. There weren't any signs outside.

"Hello?" I say. He looks up and smiles.

"Brandon?" He asks. He shakes my hand when I nod. "Nice to meet you. The manager couldn't make it today, so I was told to explain things. My name's Lachlan."

"Nice to meet you too. Is working here really that hard, though?" I ask. His smile drops for a second, and he looks terrified, but he quickly shakes it off.

"It's simple, really. You look at the cameras and make sure none of them-uhh-make sure everything is as it's supposed to be," He explains. "Come along now. I'll show you around." [For the next part, I literally got maps of FNAF1]

"This is the dining area. Cameras 1A, 1B, and 1C. Where people eat food, y'know, when the place is open," Lachlan tells me. I nod. Simple enough.

"How come so many cameras for one room?" I question.

"Have to look at it from different angles, see?" He points at one in the corner near the stage and one in front of a red and black curtain. "And there's one on the show stage."

"These three animatronics have names. The one in the middle, the bacca, is called Jerome. The one to the left of him is Nooch and the other is Woofless." He gestures towards each one as he speaks.

The animatronics, as Lachlan called them, don't look very human. Their eyes are lit up, and they have smiles painted onto their faces. I don't think they are really happy though.

His head falls onto the floor and the chainsaw is red with blood. The head joins the other two on the floor. The man starts heading towards the last one left.

"Aren't there four?" I ask, trying to distract myself. My memory has really been coming back lately. He nods and points at a curtain behind us.

"Pirate's Cove. Benja is in there. You want to see?" The curtain opens to reveal a boy sitting there, his jacket matching the curtain's colors. He, like the rest of them, had shining eyes and a huge grin. However, his mouth can open, and it is, revealing rows of sharp teeth.

"Kinda scary," I mumble.

"It's okay. You get used to it." Lachlan walks around more, explaining where everything is, what it does, and what camera its on. I don't remember any of it, though. All I can remember is all those smiles on those robots. Insane smiles. Like they're ready to tear me apart.

"That's about all there really is in this place," Lachlan concludes. "And it's just about midnight. Before you start, come here and sign this contract."

"What happens when I sign it?"

"You are saying you will work five nights here for $121.69. When the five nights are up, you can find a different job or continue working here." I pick up the pen and quickly scribble my name. He takes the paper.

"Are you going to leave?" I ask Lachlan.

"Yeah, not the security guard anymore. Good luck! Oh, and remember: the power turns off. Why you were told to bring a flash light." He rushes out the door, and I head to the office. As soon as I'm seated and ready, the lights shut off. I feel a chill run down my spine.

Night 1, here I come.

[Alright, yes, I know. I said I would only work on 2 books at once. I lied, alright? Jesus, calm down. ^•ω•^]

Five Nights with You-NoochZahHuttWhere stories live. Discover now