Night 2

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[So today marks the official 1 year anniversary of me being on wattpad. An entire year already, damn. Well, I'm glad to be spending this wonderful day updating this wonderful book for you all.]

Night 2 starts quite nicely. Nothing moves, and everything is fine. For an entire hour, almost nothing happens. At exactly 1:03 AM, I check Pirate's Cove. The curtains are open, revealing the emptiness in it. I check all the cameras, but I can't find-I'm pretty sure his name is-Benja.

A noise comes from the door, and my head snaps up from the camera screen immediately, out of instinct. I don't see anyone at first, but then the blue eyes look at me. My shoulders slack in relief, and it's clear he noticed.

"Scared you, eh?" Mat asks. I half nod. He takes a step closer, and I feel my muscles tense on their on accord.

"Don't step any closer," I tell him. Hurt is obvious in his eyes as Mat stops moving.


"Just don't get that close," I mutter. The hurt in his eyes is replaced by anger.

"Why don't you trust me, Brandon?!" He yells. His normally glowing light blue eyes are turning red. The animatronic's fist make contact with the wall he's standing next to. The entire office shakes a bit.

"I can't. One strike from you and I'm dead," I answer.

"I would never hurt you! If I wanted to, you'd be dead."

"I wouldn't. I'd probably be fine," I tell him. "There have been barely any other animatronics besides you."

"Really, Brandon. You're so clueless sometimes-" He stops, and his gaze is fixed on something behind me. I turn around slowly and am greeted by two sets of sharp teeth.

He smiles a toothed grin at me as he stands there. "You like him," He accuses. "No, I don't." Someone tackles me in a hug from behind, interrupting our conversation. I know who it is. He looks at me again. "Yes, you do."

"Mat, why don't you tell him how he's clueless? I'm sure we're both listening," Benja purrs, his eyes glowing a bright red. I scoot as far from him as possible. Mat seemed like someone you could trust. This one, not so much.

"Go away, Mitch."

"Or what? You're gonna fight me like you did with Rob?" He laughs.

"What is going on? Who's Mitch? Who's Rob?" I ask. They turn to look at me, and I know it's time to shut up. This is not my conversation.

"You didn't tell your little friend anything. What a shame."

"None of you remember-uugh. Why can't life be easier." Mitch grabs my arm hard, and I yell a bit. What the fuck is going on, I don't know. "Leave him alone."

"I could. Or I could have some fun. Say, do you think he'll taste good? The last one did."

"Mitch, let go of him," Mat growls. His eyes are turning red again, the color I recognize as anger. I feel my body leave the ground, and I'm flying through the air. Something else catches me.

"Hey, I got me a guy!" Another voice shouts. I'm outside the office, and as I look in, I see Mat tackle Mitch. I kick and thrash, trying to get out of the grasp of whatever's holding me.

"Calm down. I bite too, y'know. Although it doesn't hurt as much, I guess." I stop, and I'm dropped onto the floor. Brown eyes stare down at me.

"Mitch! Is this the guy Mat was talking to yesterday? The one that he protected?"

"It's the only guy here, dumbass," Mitch grunts. He's in a battle with a very angry Mat, and it appears he's loosing. Soon, Mitch roles away from the fight. I can't see much of the damage Mat's done, but I can see the crack in his eyes. The robot holding me leaves too.

"Don't look so happy, Mat. Things are about to go downhill for you," Mitch says. Then, he runs down the hall and disappears. Mat turns around to stare at me.

"What the hell just happened?"

"They don't like you."

"Well, I got the message."

"They want you dead."

"That's a bit rude."

"They don't remember."

"What does that mean?" He shakes his head. "Nevermind then. Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine. I'm a robot!" He laughs, and I do too.

I couldn't be happier. All my friends at a party together. Playing games and joking around. Nothing could go wrong. Absolutely nothing. Wait, where'd they go?

"Where are you going, Mat?" I ask. He turns around.

"It's almost 6. It's been a fun night with you, Brandon." For some reason, his eyes show sadness, more than ever before. He looks ready to cry, and if it weren't for the fact that he's a robot, he probably would've. Maybe something's wrong. Something besides the fact that his friends are assholes and hate me.

Bells start ringing, and I yawn. It's been an eventful night, I can say that much. I get up, and I feel every part of me hurt. Fighting robots gets you injuries, Brandon. You should know that.

I probably should leave this place, like that letter had said, but I can't anymore. I can't leave Mat here alone. Besides, I signed the contract. All of them are out in the dining hall or on the show stage. I go up to Mat. He doesn't look happy at all. I wonder if any of the kids that'll see him be able to tell. I give him a hug. For a second, I feel like he hugs back. Or maybe that's just my imagination. A place like this can make you lose your sanity.

Five Nights with You-NoochZahHuttWhere stories live. Discover now