Night 3

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Lachlan nods to me as I walk in, but that's all I get. No "Hey, are the robots moving again?" or even a "Hi." I ignore it though. Who knows what happens in the day for him. I walk into the office as the lights shut down. Just a couple more nights of this; that's how long I have to survive.

About an hour of nothing later, I hear a sound outside. Then, 2 blue eyes appear. I smile and wave at him. He doesn't wake up. The smile slips off my face as I realize something. That's not Mat. He has a flower in his hand and close to the same blue eyes as Mat. No wonder why I mistook the two of them.

"Who are you?" I ask, although I can guess who it is.

"Could ask you the same," He replies. "Wait, I know. Brandon, right?"

"How'd you know?"

"You and Mat aren't necessarily quiet with your conversations."

"So who are you?" I ask again. He doesn't reply.

"He's Rob," Mat says from behind me. I jump a bit but recover soon. "Rob, can't you just leave us alone?"

"Well, I could, but where's the fun in that?" Rob replies. "And besides, I don't take directions from you. Since when do I?"

"Come on; Jerome doesn't give that good of directions," Mat mutters. Rob's eyes turn hostile, but they return back to normal.

"I don't want to fight you, Mat. Even though you did yesterday. Not yet anyway."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mat questions. Rob doesn't reply. I would've done something-maybe a punch or a slap-but I reasoned with myself. They're made of metal; they can hurt each other. I'm made of flesh, though, and flesh trying to hurt metal only ends up with flesh getting hurt. Behind Mat, another set of eyes appears.

"Rob. Mat," The brown eyes say. Mat immediately turns around to stare at him. "How are you two on this lovely night?"

"Great and you?" I say. Mat shushes me.

He leans in and whispers to me, "You don't know what you're messing with."

"Well, maybe I don't know because no one will tell me what's happening!" I yell at him. Jerome grabs my face and holds me up so I'm staring into the lights on his face that represent his eyes.

"Care to repeat that?" Jerome asks. Mat grabs his arm.

"Put him down, Jerome," Mat tells him. I still hang in the air, and I'm gasping for air. Rob leans back against the wall to watch.

"Why are you defending this pathetic thing?" Jerome growls. He drops me, and I land on my knees on the floor. Mat kneels down and helps me up. He then asks if I'm okay.

"I'm fine," I reply. Jerome kicks Mat's back, and he falls down on me. The back of my head hits the ground.

He walks over to me, and for a second, his mask is all I can see. The boy behind him only stares as I fall down, and I feel my head hit the ground. Hard. The last thing I see is his mask, staring down at me, covered in all of their blood. "Brandon!"

I wake up and find Mat sitting next to me. I sit up and scoot away from him. Then I notice something weird. He's not moving.

"Mat?" I say. He doesn't reply, and I realize why he seems so weird. His eyes aren't glowing. I touch the top of his head, but Mat still doesn't show any reaction.

"He blacked out," Someone says. I look over at him and see Rob staring at me. "Literally."

"What should I do?" I ask him who shrugs.

"He'll probably reboot himself in the afternoon or something. If not, the morning guy probably will," Rob answers.

"How long have I been passed out?"

"It's-" Rob gets interrupted by the bells ringing, and he stops talking. I look around and see all the lights on; Mat still isn't moving though, which worries me. I should probably go anyway. I hear Lachlan coming in.

Five Nights with You-NoochZahHuttWhere stories live. Discover now