Night 4

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I see Lachlan looking at something in the corner of the room with a proud grin on his face. I tap him on the shoulder, and he is clearly surprised to see me.

"Hey, Brandon! You're early!" He exclaims.

"Yeah, what's that?" I ask, pointing at the structure behind him.

"A new animatronic. Well, sorta animatronic. Come see." He lifts the cloth off of it, and I stare at a completely green thing with black eyes. He slumps against the pole holding him up. Lachlan starts explaining. "It's more of a puppet than a robot. We don't know what to name it yet, but I think we're gonna go with Pete. What do you think?"

"Nice name," I say distractly. "Why does he look like that?"

"All the green, you mean?" I nod. "It's getting painted soon."

The lights go out, and Lachlan says he's going to leave. After putting the cloth back onto the puppet, he leaves. I walk in the opposite direction and to the office. I realize I haven't looked at the cameras at all. Who knows, maybe they'll even help me. As I go look on the showstage as the call it, I find that all of the animatronics are gone. Already. I frantically look over all the cameras, noting that Benja or Mitch was gone as well, until I find all 4 of them in the corner of the dining room. I wonder what's going on.


Cries of pain, cries of sorrow, of everything. The only thing I can hear from here. Something's wrong; something's happening out there, and I need to go see. I poke my head out of the office, but that's not enough. With a shaky breath, I step out.

I take a step out of the room I was just in and look around. Where'd they go? I walk back into the room full of balloons, confetti, and more, but they aren't there either. Not even him. I thought they would wait for me. I thought he would wait for me.

"Why didn't they wait for me?" I ask out loud. I don't even know who they are or how they were supposed to wait for me. It just seems to be something my mind needs to say.

"We tried, Brandon," Someone says next me, and I jump. Rob is standing there, where I saw all of them, alone.

"What does that mean? How do you know what I'm talking about?" I question. He doesn't reply. Instead, he holds out the flower in his hand. It has a creepy smile in the middle, and it looks wilted, even though it's metal. I've never noticed this flower before.

"They don't remember. Not all of it. I was first, and I remember. They don't. They don't. He was last, and he remembers. They don't, though. They don't," He says, almost in a whisper. Like it's a secret that mustn't be heard by anyone else. Why is he telling me this? What does it mean?

"Who's they? Who's he? What were you first to?" Rob doesn't answer any of my questions and starts crying instead. Well, making a crying sound. I've never seen or heard robots cry before.

"2 years here. They kill. They don't remember. They just kill. I can't stop them. He can't stop them. We just watch." I'm getting really creeped out and confused. Rob points behind me.

"Don't worry about him," Jerome purrs, and I take a step towards Rob and away from him. "He's been crazy since we've been here."

"What do you want?" I say, and Jerome grins widely.

"Take a guess," He sings. Rob walks in front of me and tries to push Jerome away. He's not nearly strong enough, and Jerome barely moves. Behind them, I see Mitch stalking over. I run into the east hall and into the office. Right into Mat.

"Brandon! Where've you been?" He asks. "I've been looking for you."

"I was outside. What's happening? What is Rob talking about? Do you know?" I start crying for some reason. "Mat, I'm scared."

"I would be too." He hugs me, and I let him. I trust him. Maybe before I thought he was a murderous robot, but I know better now.

"I don't get it." Mat sits me down in the chair.

"What don't you get?"

"Rob was talking to me before Jerome and Mitch came," I tell him. "And he was talking about some really creepy shit."

Mat sighs, "Maybe creepy isn't the right word for this."

"What do you mean? What do you know?" Mat looks at me.

"You don't want to know. At least, not until you remember something. I don't remember it nearly as well as Rob, but I know what happened. You need to remember too," He explains. I frown.

"Tell me now."

"I can't, and I shouldn't, anyway." There's a loud sound outside, and Mat immediately goes over. "Stay safe, Brandon. I'll make sure they don't come into the office."

"No! Wait! I-" It's too late. He's already ran off into the darkness before I can finish my sentence. What was I going to say anyway?

"You have to tell him! Before it's too late! What could go wrong?" I give him a look. "Many things. I could-" "That was a rhetorical question." He pushes me slightly towards him. I can't do it though. There's too much to ruin. I shake my head, and he frowns. "You can be so stubborn sometimes."

The ringing of bells brings me back to reality. It's 6 AM already? I yawn and walk out of the office. I see all the animatronics except Rob in their places. Where'd he go? I walk around, trying to find him. He's under a table. I pull him out and see he's covered in scratches and dents. What happened last night? I look over to Mat and see similar damage. Let's just hope I won't get blamed.

"Brandon." I look around, but no one's said my name. I look at Rob, but he hasn't said anything either.

"Brandon." I walk out of the place just as Lachlan walks in. He waves at me, but I don't wave back.

"Brandon." I cover my ears.


Five Nights with You-NoochZahHuttWhere stories live. Discover now