Night 1

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[I feel like this will be easier to understand with an image of the cameras]

I take a shaking breath. Come on, Brandon. This is okay. All you have to do is look at cameras. Easy. And also fight off your imagination for 5 more hours. The past hour hasn't been fun. I keep hearing noises. I lean back into the chair and massage my eyes with my fingers. I should've taken a nap before this. Preston, this is all your fault.

I go to Camera 1A, and I feel my heart stop. The only animatronic left is the brown thing. Jerome, I think? I forget. Where are the other two? Nooch and something. Where are they? How? Why? What's the only explanation? Was Preston serious?

I look at a couple different cameras. Pirate's Cove is closed, nothing in the halls or backstage, nothing in the kitchen or front desk, and nothing in the supply closet. It's only when I look at the dining hall again do I see one of them. I can't see his face, but I see two glowing lights which I assume are his eyes. He's heading towards the east hall. And that's when it hit me.

They're moving. They're alive. Preston wasn't kidding, was he? It wasn't just a joke [oops...?]. Does that mean his story was true too? 4 people were murdered here? I feel sick in the stomach.

He comes over to me but doesn't drop the chainsaw. I try to scream again, but he puts a gloved hand over my mouth. There's something sticky on the glove, and when he pulls it away, I see blood. Of my friends. I fall.

Brain, you're not helping. I don't know what you're imagining and why but don't. I don't need anything more to freak me out. Moving haunted animatronics are scary enough.

Blood stuck to my mouth. It tastes like metal. That's real blood. Not just anybody's-

"Stop it!" I yell and cover my mouth immediately. If the animatronics didn't know I was here already, they do now. I let out another scream when I find something right outside the door to my left.

"Stop what?" He asks. I back away from him. "What? Are you scared of me?"

"I mean, you're an evil robot that can talk and think. Shouldn't I be?" He thinks about it, and his eyes turn yellow. They change back to blue after a bit though. It's 2 AM. Just a few more hours.

"I guess you should, but don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you."

"Said every killer ever." He laughs, and I feel myself calm down a bit, despite the situation right now. I have to keep my guard up though.

"What're you doing back here again?" He asks. My eyebrows pinch together. Back here again? His eyes go from light to dark blue, and he mumbles "You did get amnesia."

"How do you know?" I question. He shakes his head, but his eyes don't return to their normal bright color.

"You'll find out-" Whatever he was trying to say is cut off by a screech of metal outside. I yell, but he shushes me.

"Shut up," He whispers. "I'll be back in a minute."

It took him longer than a minute, but not much longer, but when he came back, his eyes were a mix of orange and blue.

"Nooch?" I say. He cocks his head sideways in confusion.

"My name's Mat."

"But the robot is-"

"Yes, the animatronic's name is Nooch. I'm a guy possessing it, remember?" Oh yeah. I didn't know they'd have actual names though.

Why do they always pull prank on me? Why can't they wait for me before leaving? Why am I always left behind? What is it that's so interesting they're willing to leave me behind?

I shake my head, and the vision goes away. In its place is a blurry Mat, stating at me. I never thought robots would have so much emotion to their face, but this one does. He looks sad and deep in thought, even with the giant toothed smile painted on.

"Brandon. Do you remember anything?" He asks.

"About? There's a lot of things to remember."

"Before you hit your head," He replies. I shrug.

"I've been getting these weird visions ever since I decided to come work here, if that counts." He looks at me, his face much lighter now.

"What's in them?"

"I'm not sure. Always different things. I had one while we were just sitting here, actually," I tell him.

"I like a good story," He responds. Mat sits cross legged-something I'm surprised he can do-and looks up at me.

"I was at this table with a cake. There was a boy sitting there smiling at the cake with all those candles, but I wasn't thinking about him or that. I was thinking about how I'm always left behind and getting pranked by my friends." He looks confused. "Don't worry, I don't understand them either."

"I do," He mutters. "Gotta go now, though. It's almost 6!"

Mat points to the clock, and I see that it is, indeed, almost 6. Exactly 5:59 AM. When I look back, Mat is gone. I'm about to go look for him, but bells start ringing. It's 6 AM. I survived night 1 with a robot sitting next to me. Interesting things happen.

I start gathering my things, which really isn't much. When I walk through the dining hall, I find all 3 of the animatronics that are supposed to be on the stage are not. I go up to Mat, or Nooch as he is now. There are 3 long scratches on his arm, scraping off the paint. I don't think much of it and walk away. Outside the front door, Lachlan is trying to unlock it.

"How was your first night?" He asks.

"Wonderful," I reply, which really isn't a lie.

"Sounds wonderful. See you tomorrow then!"

Boy, does Preston have a lot to hear.

Five Nights with You-NoochZahHuttWhere stories live. Discover now