Night 5

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It seems like the place is alive when I walk in. I feel the eyes of all the animatronics staring at me, even Mitch through his curtain. This is my last night here; the last time I have to fight to survive.

The lights turn off before I can even reach the office, and I start running immediately. To be caught in a room full of animatronics-the dining hall is oddly the exact room for that purpose-is not how I want to die tonight. There are so many better ways. I sit down in the chair and look at the cameras. Surprisingly, none of them are working. Except the one on the showstage, but I see Mitch jump up to it and grab it, turning it off. This isn't gonna be an easy night.

I hear Mat scream from where I am. I immediately jump up, but I don't know what I can do. I consider doing something really dangerous. What if I go outside? I went outside yesterday, and I can't say things went well. But Mat's in trouble. I need to help him. I walk out of the office slowly, and I immediately get grabbed.

"What the fuck?" I scream, and the thing dragging me drops me. I see Jerome and Mitch looking down at me.

"Hello, Brandon," Mitch says.

"What're you doing?" I ask.

"Deciding whether to kill you or not," Jerome answers.

"The answer is yes anyway so," Mitch sneers. Suddenly, something pounces on him, and Jerome yelps in surprise. Mitch soon pushes him off, and I see it's Rob. Before any of us could react, Rob grabs me and pulls me over to the doors leading into the kitchen.

"Run. Go in there," Rob tells me. I do as he says. As I close the door behind me, I hear the unmistakable sound of metal crashing against metal behind me. I cringe and resist the urge to cry. I'm sorry, Rob. I notice a faint blue light in the darkness.

"Brandon?" A weak voice says. I gasp and go closer to the light.

"Mat!" I reply. I can barely see him smiling at me.

"We need help. There's no way we're going to beat both of them," Mat tells me. I nod and pull out my phone.
The phone rings for a while, but finally, on the 6th ring, Preston answers.

"Brandon? What the fuck? God, what time is it?" Preston grumbles.

"Please, Preston. Come to Bacca's, call the cops, do something!" I cry.

"It's 5 in the morning, Brandon. Cut me some slack." It's 5 already?

"Preston, please!" I look at Mat lying on the ground, parts of him twitching and one of his eyes dimmed completely.

"Brandon, what's happening?" I hear the sounds of animatronics outside, banging on the walls and trying to find us. I guess Preston hears it too.

"Just please come." The line goes dead, and I kneel down next to Mat and hug him. He pats me on the back with his arm, the one that isn't torn to pieces.

"Brandon," He breathes. I stare at him, and I feel my brain piecing things together. It's as if someone's turned on the light in a dark room. The killer. The chainsaw. The dead bodies. The blood. The heads on the floor. The animatronics going insane. Them. Him. Mat. It all makes sense now.

I blink and stare at him again. It took this long, 5 nights, but I finally figured it out. Yes, I finally see the truth.

"Mat." The tears are pouring out faster than I can see now. "Please don't die on me."

"I wish I could, but I don't think I can do anything at this point."

"No! You'll be fine!" I yell, not caring if the other animatronics hear me.

"Don't forget about me, don't forget about us."

I climb onto his back and order him to charge forward. The other two boys are running at us as well. Another boy is standing back and watching us with a smile, occasionally cheering on one team. My best friends; the ones I'll never forget.

Mat's body vibrating brought me back to the real world. I hold onto him tighter.

"We'll get through this, Mat. And when we do, I'll bring you home with me. We'll do all the things we used to. Please, just try! We can be happy again!" He looks at me one last time, his eye emotionless.

"Brandon. I've been happy. Ever since you walked through those doors, ever since your job started, I've been happy. I spent time with you again! That's more than anything I could've hoped for!" Mat stays quiet for a bit, and I imagine he's crying. "Run."


"Run! I told you to last time, and you didn't listen. Look where that got you. Now run!" I jump up and head to the door. I turn around one more time to look at him. He waves, and so do I.

"Thank you, Mat. It's been an honor to spend five nights with you, my best friend, again," I tell him.

"Same to you," He replies weakly. I burst through the door and am greeted by Mitch and Jerome. On the floor, I catch sight of a crumpled up Rob, his eyes shut off completely. I almost trip over his flower at my feet. I manage to burst out the front door before I started crying. I hear an explosion inside the building as it catches on fire.

Something starts rolling out of the building, towards me. I crouch down, and it does one final roll. I know what it is even before it turns to face me directly. It stares at me tauntingly, and I can only stare back.

An empty skull.

Five Nights with You-NoochZahHuttWhere stories live. Discover now