Day 6

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[If any of the following two chapters/epilogue seem rushed, I'm sorry. I just really wanted to get this story done as I want to start working on something else. =)]

"No, you don't understand!" I scream as they drag me away. "It happened! You can go see for yourself! Lachlan, tell them something! You saw them too!"

The police shakes his head and turns to Preston. "How long has he been like this?"

"Ever since he started working here, so around 5 days now."

"Kid really doesn't like this place, huh?" He sighs. "Get the other one!"

Lachlan slides into the car besides me with his head low. He knows what was going on too, but he didn't say anything; that ticks me off. The truth needs to be told! Someone outside grabs the skull and puts it in a bag for "investigation." I wish they would've let me have it. It's the only thing I have left from Mat.

"Ready to go?" The driver says, her smile bright and wide as she turns around to look at me. I shake my head, but Lachlan mumbles yes. The car starts moving. "This'll be so much fun! You'll be able to make new friends, get over the things you've been through, get rid of your hallucinations-"

"I don't have any hallucinations," Lachlan and I say at the same time. The woman shakes her head doubtfully, but the smile remains on her face.

"You'll get better here! Don't worry!"

"Yeah, locking us in a mental hospital with a bunch of lunatics will definitely help us," I mutter, making sure she can't hear me. Lachlan nods just the tiniest bit.

"Brandon, no mumble jumbles! Whatever you want to say, you can say to all of us," The woman scolds. I roll my eyes and look out the window. I just want to be with them-him-again. Is that so much to ask for? Not go to a mental hospital, not get a therapist, just to be with my best friends again.

I look around for them again, but I can't find them anywhere. Maybe they're in the bathroom. I go there but still no luck. I leave the bathroom and start looking around again. The roaring of a chainsaw mixed with screams draws my attention. I follow the sounds to a wall. Am I going crazy? I start walking away, but I hear screams again. It's real. I pound my fists against the wall, and surprisingly, it opens. I wish it didn't though. I see Mitch's head fall to the ground, his mouth wide open, and his eyes bulging. Rob and Jerome's heads lie by their bodies on the floor in pools of blood. Mat stands, his back against the wall, and he turns to me. "Brandon!" I don't react. The killer turns to me, and I see his face is covered by a mask. "Run, Brandon!" I don't; I can't.

I don't notice that they've locked me in a room until I open my eyes again. Lachlan is sitting in the same room, but bars separate us. I walk over to it and look at him.


"Brandon," He sighs.

"Are we really stuck here forever?" He looks at me.

"Until we are considered sane by them, so yeah, forever." I sigh and sit down, leaning my back against the bars. Lachlan stays lying on the floor. Outside, I hear two voices yelling. One sounds like Preston. Lachlan looks at the door where the racket was coming from. He mumbles something under his breath.

"Brandon?" Someone says, drowning out everything else. I look up at him, and I see he's standing right in front of me, looking down at where I'm sitting.

"Mat?" He smiles.

"I knew you'd recognize me."

"You're not real," I say. Mat tilts his head.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're not real!" This time, I scream it, on my feet and staring right at him. Lachlan looks over at me, and I know what he's thinking. I'm insane. I am; I've been insane ever since the day all of them died. It just took me longer to figure it out.

"You're not insane, Brandon. I'm real," Mat tells me. He steps away and joins the group of boys that just appeared. "We all are."

Mitch grins at me. He looks just as he did on the day of the party. They all do. Jerome, with his furry hat and a decent shirt, Rob with the flower in his hair-rotten by now-and Mat. They're standing right there. They are real. They have to be.

"Come on, Brandon. Come with us," They say. And I start following them. Towards the window on the back wall. I hear what seems like a deafening scream of my name, but it doesn't faze me. I barely hear it. All I see is all my best friends right outside the window, waiting for me. I feel the billions of tears I've never cried run down my face as a smile stretches across my face. Why?

Because I don't think I'd mind joining them.

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