Day 5

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[short chapter. no kill pls]

When I arrive home, I find everything scattered across the floor and a couple bags packed. I look around until I find Preston and ask him what's happening. He looks at me.

"I'm moving."

"What about me?" I ask. He shrugs.
"Better find somewhere to live. I can't afford this place anymore. I also can't afford living with a maniac." My jaw drops.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not sure if you've noticed yet, Brandon, but you've gone insane. I don't know how to help you anymore," Preston replies. I shake my head.

"You were the one that brought up all the crazy stories!"

"Yeah, and I was joking around! You obviously aren't anymore!" He cries. "I miss my friend, but you're not the same anymore. I don't know what to do."

"I'm fine! I-I-"

"All you've been talking about for the past couple days is murderous possessed robots! You are fucking anything but fine!" Preston stares at me like he's trying to get me to see the truth. Am I going crazy, though? Is everything even real?

"No. It's real; I swear! You can come with me if you want! I'll prove it to you!" He sighs and turns away from me.

"Whatever. That was the last attempt I'm going to make. Get your bags ready, you're moving out tomorrow," Preston tells me. I start to say something else, but he just walks away. "I'm going for a walk."

I try to stop myself from crying as I organize everything I own, which really isn't much. Why is this happening? Why, of all the jobs, did I choose this one?

"Brandon!" I look up. It's the same voice that was calling earlier. Again, though, I find no one. What actually is happening? Maybe I am going crazy. Actually, I probably am. I only have one more night to survive though. And I can't quit now.

"That's right. Stay. Just one more night."

"Go away! Leave me alone" I scream. I'm sure all the neighbors heard me and think I'm insane now. I drop the thing in my hand and stand up straight. It lands on the floor with a clunk. I look down at it.

"I'm sorry I missed it," He says. I shake my head. "It's fine." "Here's your present." I know immediately what it is. Our favorite animatronic. Bright blue eyes and slight grin. "Nooch," I say. He nods. "I love it."

I pick it up now. Where did this come from? I remember it. Him. I hit my head. Come on, brain! Remember something! Of all the times to not be remembering anything. It's extremely dusty and some bits of paint were scraped off, but I can still tell what it is. I've been staring at this for 4 nights now. I've been staring at him for 4 nights.

"Mat?" The little head stares at me, making me smile through my tears. "Please tell me I haven't been hallucinating all of this. I don't think I'll be able to live with that."

And I start crying again. I miss him, whoever he is. Whoever I've been having memories about, I miss him. Funny because I didn't even know he existed 4 days ago, and now I'm crying and thinking I'm insane because of him. But now I feel like I should miss him. Whatever happened in the past, we were friends. Best friends at that. We shouldn't have been separated, but something happened. And now I miss him.

"He misses you too. Stay. Stay with them." The last part of it is whispered. "Forever."

[Question: Happy or sad ending? Not that it's gonna matter but ^•ω•^]

Five Nights with You-NoochZahHuttWhere stories live. Discover now