Day 4

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I walk out of Bacca's Pizzas, but instead of heading to our apartment, I turn in the opposite direction. I don't want to talk to Preston right now, and I'm sure he doesn't want to even run into me either. I still can't explain how much I know him. All of them, in a way. I find myself strolling into a park, [EVERY SINGLE FANFICTION BY GREEN HAS A PARK IN IT, ALRIGHT?] so I sit down on a bench and think. Someone sits down next to me, but I barely notice. Until he talks, at least.

"Hi Brandon." I look over and see someone. I recognize him.

"Who are you?" I ask. "I know you, but I don't..."

"Do you remember me? At all?" He questions. I half nod. "Guess my name."

And suddenly, just like that, I know him. "Mitch."

"How'd you get that?" He says, surprised, with a smile. I furrow my eyes, trying to think of an answer to that.

"I don't know," I finally sigh. Mitch shrugs and scoots closer to me. "How are you here? Who are you? Where do I remember you from?"

"Woah, let me answer one question at a time," Mitch laughs. "Where should I start? Well, I'm Mitch. I don't know how you remember me either; didn't you get amnesia or something?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Anyways, we were once friends way back..." His talking starts to become garbled, and I tilt my head to listen.

"What? What are you saying?" I yell. He replies, but I can't hear anything over the sounds I hear. Mitch doesn't seem to be fazed by it though.

"Don't... to me! ...Remember..." I manage to hear as he shouts. I open my eyes, and I realize they were squeezed shut the entire time. I sit up from the grass and look around to find I'm not on the bench anymore, and the sun is directly above me. There's a little boy standing near and staring at me. His mother runs over and grabs his hand, pulling him away. The entire time he's leaving, his gaze doesn't leave me. I guess it is a bit weird to see a grown man lying down on the grass and screaming.

I get up and start walking back home. I can't stop thinking about Mitch though. That's what Mat had called Benja a while ago; what'd that mean? My brain hurts from thinking so much about them so much. It's hard to process all of this.

Back home, I find Preston talking to someone on his computer. When I ask him what he's doing, he only shushes me and continues talking. I ignore him and go to the kitchen. Food will always be my friend, unlike Preston, who's been ignoring me and being a jerk.

"Why'd you come back so late?" Preston asks, walking into the kitchen as well. I shrug. "Did you pay back that guy you owe yet?"

I glare at him, but all he does is grab two pieces of bread nonchalantly. I continue staring at him as he grabs materials for a sandwich. I can tell he knows I'm doing this and is just ignoring me to be annoying. I wish looks could kill.

"What're you doing?" I question. Preston smashes the 2 pieces of bread together, cheese and stuff in the middle.

"What does it look like?" He exclaims. With a loud sigh, he leaves the kitchen. Again, I wish looks could kill. He'd have daggers in his back, not to mention the ones earlier. What is wrong with him? What'd I do to him?

I wander around the tiny kitchen, trying to find something to eat. A surprise:I find another envelope. It looks exactly like the one I got last time, but it's unopened. I pick it up immediately and open it. Written in red ink again, 'FRIENDSHIPS DON'T LAST FOREVER!'

"Hey Preston?" I say and walk into the other room. He looks at me. "Did you leave something in the kitchen?"

"What kind of something? I might've left a couple dust particles, hair, saliva, and stuff."

"No, smartass, I meant envelope kind of thing. This." I wave the envelope at him. Preston looks at it and then reaches out to grab it. I immediately pull it away from him.

"Let me see it!" I shake my head no and tell him it's private.

"Did someone sneak into our house to leave you a love note or something?" Preston snorts. I hit him on the forehead.

"No, you idiot. It's something else," I say. Preston rolls his eyes and looks back onto his phone.

I guess friendships really don't last forever.

[1. I'm sorry for not updating yesterday =( I forgot about it. 2. Don't hate me for making Preston's a dick. It's part of the plot and change/development of a character. ^•ω•^]

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