Night 6 (Epilogue)

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After Vik and the other boy on Brandon's side left, I was left alone to grieve. Vik had tried to talk to me, telling me that it'll be alright. I didn't respond to anything he said or did. I couldn't. It was like my body was in some sort of shock. In fact, I think I still am. Neither of them could see what happened so perfectly. It was as if it happened in slow motion.

I looked over at Brandon as a boy screams his name. I've never regretted something more in my life-except maybe getting that job, but this is quite close to it. Brandon walked right up to the window and stared at something far beyond it, with a smile on his face. He didn't know what he was doing. And suddenly I was moving. I was right up against the bars and reaching out for him.

But it was too late.

I saw him hold out his arms in a hugging sort of way before he tumbled out the window. The boy that came in started wailing a word that sounds similar to sorry, but who knows what people means when they're crying. I'm left against the bars and staring with wide eyes at the broken window, the broken shards of glass lying on the floor.

They didn't bother to clean up the glass, and it lies still scattered on the floor. All I've done is stare at it, and it looks terrible, continually reminding me of what happened. Some tips of it have his blood on it from cutting into his skin when he pushed against it. The doctors had said Brandon would be fine, but I know the truth. I'm not completely insane, after all.

"Mail for this guy already? I thought he came in this morning."

"He did. With the one that jumped out."

"Some of them don't get mail their entire time here. This guy's lucky."

"Ha, you're funny. His friend jumped out the window."

2 doctor-like people enter my room. They simply hand me an envelope and tell me it's for me-which I sort of knew, thank you-before leaving. I open it hesitantly, aware of the blood stains at the front. Inside is a photo from a camera in Bacca's Pizzas I immediately recognize as Camera 1c, Pirate's Cove. At first, I don't see anything abnormal except for the burnt curtain of Benja. Then I notice the puppet I'd set up around 2 days ago right next to the curtains. Except instead of slouching down against the wall with a cover over it, it's standing up and staring directly at the camera. It has tear stained cheeks and a wide smile that stretches across its face.

Five Nights with You-NoochZahHuttWhere stories live. Discover now