Day 2

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[It's so easy to write FNAF things while watching the Game Theory livestream. It's just good.]

Preston is dead asleep in his bed when I get home. I consider waking him up, but I don't. It's been at the most 6 hours since sleep for him, and I'm tired too. I collapse on the couch near the bed. If he sleeps, I sleep.

All four boys are looking at me with grins on their faces. I nod, and they cheer. Two of them run off, shoving and messing with each other, grabbing things from the basket. Another follows them slowly, like he's being left out. The last boy waits for me, a soft smile on his face. He holds out a hand for me to take. As I'm reaching for his hand, his eyes start turning blue; the smile turns into an insane grin. Something pounces on me.

"Brandon! Yes! Wake up! I need to talk you before I go to work! I need it! Brandon!" Someone yells. I crack my eyes open. Preston is the one that pounced on me. I push him off, and he lands on the floor.

"What was that for?" I groan.

"I should be asking you that! You probably broke my ass!"

"You scared me half to death," I tell him.

"Sounds like a personal problem," Preston says. I glare at him. "Okay, how did I scare you to death?"

"I'm not sure. I had this weird dream. You know how I keep getting my memory back?" He nods. "Well, I had this dream. There were 3 boys, and it was just kinda creepy."

"Well, I'd love to hear you talk about your creepy dreams for the next hour, but I have to get to work soon, and I really want to hear about what happened last night."

"They do move at night. I-"

"Called it! In your fucking face, Brandon! Look who didn't believe me?"

"Do you want me to continue or not?"

"Sorry. Please continue, good sir."

"There were 4 animatronics. 2 started walking around, and there one of them came right in the office."

"And you're alive?"

"He was friendly. His name was Mat," I say.

"But there isn't an animatronic named Mat."

"There are all possessed, remember?"

"Wait, what?" Preston asks.

"The boy possessing the robot Nooch is named Mat," I explain. "And there was another one outside the office, but I couldn't see who it is."

His phone starts ringing. Preston answers it up. After a few sorry's, uh huh's, okay's, and yeah yeah's, he ends it.

"Shit. Sorry, Brandon, I have to go now. Boss just called, and now I'm going to be dead," Preston apologizes. I nod. It's 8:17 already meaning he's 17 minutes late. As soon as he leaves, I think about the dream. Those boys, I'd seen them before. Heads rolling around on the floor.

"Run! Brandon, run!" I can barely hear him. All I can think about is the sound of the chainsaw roaring, and the couple heads on the floor, blood leaking out of their necks. Why would anyone do this? I look over at the boy that yelled at me. It's him. It's-

Someone knocks on the door of the apartment. Oh, you mother fucker. Why would you interrupt my memory like that? Not that you knew, but I'll blame you anyway. There's a man at the door.

"Brandon?" He asks. I nod. "This letter is for you."

"Who is this from?" I question. I look down at the envelope. It's stained with a bit of blood. When I look at the doorway again, he's gone. What was that? Why? I close the door and hold the envelope. I don't want to open it yet. I wish Preston didn't leave yet. The time is 6 PM already. Have I really been sitting there and thinking for so long already? I sit down. I should probably get a nap before midnight.

You are hereby invited to Micheal's birthday party at Bacca's Pizzas on August 7th, 2010, from 11 AM to 1 PM. There are balloons and confetti all over it. There are also little heads of the animatronics, like stickers, on it. Jerome being the main one. I don't pay attention to those though. My favorite one is always one of the least common ones. The little boy in the corner with bright blue eyes.

I sit up from the bed. I'm sick of having all these nightmares and visions. They're only going to scare me more. It's 11:23 PM. I look at the envelope on my desk. I could go look at it and then to Bacca's. Why not? Because it'll scare you to death and probably creep you out during the job. I do anyway. All there is is a piece of paper with 4 words written on it in red ink, in which I assume is blood.


Five Nights with You-NoochZahHuttWhere stories live. Discover now