Too Good To Be True

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My eyes flashed open and I gasped for air. I sat up slowly, wiping my forehead and neck, both damp with sweat. I checked the perimeter of the room, but my dream was already fading.Yet a thin layer of sweat covered the nape of my neck. The unusual April heat was uncanny. I pulled away the smooth silk bed sheets. I kicked the covers off and stopped.

We were back in New York. I don't remember the trip, my mom must of slipped a sleeping pill in the drink. I'm so dazed, I don't even know how I got into my bed.

If it was August, I wouldn't have thought twice about it, but it wasn't. It was April and the heat this early was uncanny. I shook it off and stumbled to the shower, hoping I was just overheated.The hot water stream collides into my skin, releasing tension. I close my eyes, and the hot steam envelopes my body. As I wash the shampoo suds off me, the water sending them in little streams down my back. As I towel dried my hair, the heat once again caught my attention. I checked the thermostat. Not that, same as usual. I shrugged it off and walked away.

I needed to run. I decided to take a morning run. My heart pounded to the beat of my feet racing over the hard ground. Sweat beaded my forehead, causing my hair to cling to it as my throat ached for air, more air. The delicious rush of wind past my face thrilled me.

My muscles stretched, pushed harder. My pace evened out and my legs made the track fly under me.I surrendered myself to the miraculous beat of my feet against the ground. The angry pitter-patter of the soles of my shoes hitting the track. It was the way I always released my energy, and that's exactly what was happening now. I was elated, my soul at it's summit, I was running and I was free. 

I continued running for what seemed like longer than it should have taken to get back to the parking lot but I figured it was because I wanted to get back so fast. A distinct old dead tree came up on the path that meant that I should be able to see my car around the next bend. Forcing my legs to push harder I kept my sprint, anticipating the relief of driving away from here. I rounded the bend in the path and came to an abrupt halt. My breathing hitched in my throat making my already screaming lungs just about burst. I stopped at the supermarket. We really do need groceries.

I sighed deeply before stepping into the cool, air-conditioned building. I had to remind myself that I'm only here to buy what I need. No more no less. Oh who am I kidding, I'm going to end up buying the whole store. 

"I'll have a double half-caf with skim milk, to go, please," I told the petite brunette decisively.

"Do you want whipped cream on that?" She asked

"Extra whipped cream, please," I chirped, smiling brightly at me. I couldn't help the knowing smirk that turned my lips up, and nodded at her.

"Hey, can I ask you something"

"Sure," I answered distractedly.

"I'm new in town, and I'm not familiar with all of the local hot spots yet. Are there any amazingly good restaurants you can recommend to me?"

"Um, yeah," I said, glancing up

"What kind of food? Fast food, a nice sit-down place? Italian, French, Cuban-"

"Okay," she said, giggling and waving her hand to get me to stop. I passed her drink across the counter towards her.

"A nice sit-down Italian place. Is that specific enough?"

"Next door," I said, nodding my head to the right. "Lentini's is amazing. I recommend the Veal Marcello - so freaking good. I swear I think I could live off of that stuff." I nodded, her eyes slightly wider than they had been a moment ago.

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