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Most of the time in my life I try my hardest to avoid troublesome situations. Falling flat on my face or scrapping my knees constantly on the ground has become too common for me I sometimes don't even register the pain. I try even harder to avoid life-threatening emergencies and horrible moments when I turn redder then a ripe tomato.

Tonight though I was going against all my rules, I was having a girl's night out with Juliet and Alice. Like any outings with Alice, this night wasn't spontaneous, there was as much planning and shopping as there would have been if I was getting married. I even doubted I would need this much pampering if I was getting married. As with all of Alice's efforts the end result was worth all my wasted time. It was eight pm and I was going over one last inspection before we headed out for a night on the town. I smiled as the blue dress Alice had picked out for me swirled out around my thighs. The dress was tight at my chest before flaring out to my knees, showing off my freshly shaved legs and white high heels. I laughed at my suddenly changed appearance and swept from my room when I heard the door bell ring.

I didn't even manage to make it to the door before Alice, followed closely by Julie , burst in. Alice was wearing a tight leather dress, which on any other girl might look like something a hooker would wear, but Alice somehow made it look gorgeous.Julie  on the other hand was wearing a dangerously low v-neck dress that clung to her defined hips and thighs. Any other girl would have been jealous I, on the other hand, was happy. The less attention that I got the happier I became.

"Bella you look gorgeous." Alice said looking at me with satisfaction.

"I look like a before picture compared to you two." I told them and they laughed at me before flicking me in the head

"Bella, I always thought that all those scholarships and high grade point averages meant you were smart."Julie  said at me. She was one of the funniest and kindest people I had ever met.

"Come on girls, there are boys out there who are just dying to buy us drinks." Alice said with devilish grin on her face. I could believe Alice, with the way they were looking tonight they'd have men lined up for days. Even though Alice and Juliet both were hopelessly in love with their long-term boyfriends James and Paul they still loved to get free drinks. I grabbed my purse off the kitchen counter and flicked off the lights before following Alice and Julie  down to Julie's M3. I sat in the back seat and stared out at the city, the stars were barely visible in the sky and the moon hung low and bright in the horizon. The streets were busy, but it was to be expected on a Friday night.

"Bella stop mopping, you'll see Edward tomorrow." Alice said as she fiddled with the car's radio, somehow knowing what was running through my mind.

"I wasn't mopping." I finally responded and Julies , even snorting Rosalie managed to make it sound natural.

"Bella, honey, we know you miss him, but look at it this way with all the free drinks we'll be getting you'll be too drunk to really notice." Awe, there was the Julie we all knew. I scowled at them both and Alice and Juliet both laughed at my expense. The rest of the car ride was spent with Juliet and I laughing as Alice tried to sing "I kissed a girl" by Katy Perry and failing miserably, due to her constant giggling between words.

She maneuvered quickly into an empty parking space and together we exited the car looking at the long line at the front of the club like it was a six foot fence with barb wire on the top. I looked down the line and noticed it was full of well dressed people.

"We're never getting in." I told them as more people started to join the line, expressing my doubts.

"Bella, its all about who you know, have more faith in me," Alice said with a condescending smile before bypassing the entire line to the front where the bouncer was holding onto the velvet rope. I mentally smacked myself when I looked up and saw the name of the bar, James worked here, of course we were getting in. She followed Alice confidently and I trailed after them feeling slightly sorry for all the people who were still waiting in line. We got the nod from the guy and Alice smiled at him, her smile brightening up the night.

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