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AUTHORS NOTE: Sadly this is the last chapter...... BUT I'm writing a squeal for this story!! Called Same Old Love, stay tune. There will be a lot of ups and downs with this next book!!

Even muffled by my pillow, the pounding on my door was difficult to ignore. My cousins were persistent if nothing else. I poked my head out of my warm cocoon and glanced at the bedside was 1:00. I couldn't believe I had slept for so long. Grumbling and muttering to myself, I swept back the covers and pulled on the robe that lay crumpled on the floor next to the bed.

"Coming!Coming!" God, I'm freaking coming, I thought as I tromped over to the door of my one room efficiency and yanked it open, only to find my two best girls, Juliet and Alice, standing and staring at me, agog.

"Bella,Bella, Bella," Alice ticked as she swept by me and into my apartment, Juliet following along behind her

"Have you even gotten out of bed this week?" She immediately set to tidying up my room which, granted, looked like it had been struck by gale force winds.

"We've been calling and calling. You really should answer your phone."

"Hmpf," I responded. My tiny cousin flutter of activity made my head spin, and I winced as she pulled up the blinds, revealing both the sun and the bustling City street below. Juliet stood by watching the scene with amusement and a touch of pity.

"Julieeeeeee" Alice intimated,

"I need your help here. Remember...," she whispered as if I wasn't in the room,

"The plan?"

And with that Juliet grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the "bathroom," which was really a toilet, stall shower, and sink cordoned off by a length of rope and curtain, courtesy of my mom "fixer-upper." She tipped down the lid of the toilet with one foot and sat me down on it, looking at me with a critical eye.

"Bella, have you seen yourself lately?" she asked in her best take-no-shit voice.

"I mean, your hair is just crazy. You look like a bag lady or something."

I shrugged my shoulders and managed a half smile as she grabbed a vanity mirror and held it up to my face. She winced again. She was right. My long dark hair was matted to my head, looking like rodent shad recently taken up residency. My face was pale and held traces of old mascara, which made sense because I hadn't washed it in days. I resembled a creature from a Rob Zombie movie.

"This is ending today." Brush in hand; she began combing out my rat's nest as I sat trying to comprehend what was happening. Had I really been that bad? I hadn't left my apartment since Edward left me

"Bells," Alice appeared behind Juliet as she continued her ministrations, "it's not worth it. HE is not worth it, not worth doing this to you over." I noticed that Alice held my seemingly packed duffel bag in her right hand and I gestured towards it.

"What's with the bag, Ali?"

She beamed at me.

"What's with the bag is that you, I and Julie are taking a little trip this weekend...."

Weekend? I thought it was Wednesday. Shit, I guess I had lost track of time. I groaned.

"I can't go. I have things, stuff to do."

"Yes you can," they said in unison.

"And you will," Juliet added.

"But I have things to...I'm supposed to..."

"Save it, Bella," Alice cut me off, as Juliet began tugging at my knotted robe.

"We're going and that's that. You need to get out of this place and away from memories of E," she thought better than to say his name"...that bastard. Now why don't you cooperate with Juliet and jump in the shower, unless you'd rather she bathe you?"

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