I. Into the State of Nothingness

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Mat woke up gasping for his breath. It took him a few seconds to realize that he was already in his true awakened state. Before, he had as many as three or more layers of dream before waking up. Gladly, it was just a single layered dream this time, but this nightmare appeared much often lately, still trying to figure out the message, confused if it has something to do with a reconciliation of the past or warning of any coming events in the future.

Then he remembered the symbols in his dream and asked what could they be about?

It was already 6 o'clock in the afternoon. The sound of his phone alarm was all over the place, his breathing slowed as he stared up at the white ceiling of this special guest room of the Good Eve's Hotel.

"It's time alright," the young man said.

Feeling very thirsty and exhausted, he quickly jumped out of bed and grasped a drink of water.

His name is Mat Adam. A short-haired-neat-looking, not-so-bulky-not-so-skinny, regular guy you pass by every day. Not a wealthy person, just making enough for a living. He is a techie-guy, anything that has to do with computers and gadgets, he's on it.

He was referred by an old friend to do a special contract project here at the hotel.

He recently finished installing and configuring the Security Cameras here at the Good Eve's Mansion. That's the reason why he was sent here.

This old mansion residence was converted into a hotel and it is located on the upper ground of the far-end side of the beach. It was inherited and being maintained by Mat's client, Mr. John Eve.

Mat's phone alerted for a new message.

Meeting at the Dining Area, 6:30 pm


After a quick shower, Mat pulled a fresh long sleeved chino shirt pairing a slack-pants and sandals. He packed-up his things and took out this bizarre looking box from his bag.

Entering the mansion's diner, Mat indulged the smell of the roasted food being served. He looked around hoping to see Mr. Eve somewhere.

The open-ceiling, high-windows and large door of the terrace gives everyone inside the diner a natural sea breeze feeling.

Wandering around and then finally, he saw a tall, handsome mid-40s looking man with his eyeglasses on and wearing a clean pressed casual-formal attire attending and chatting to a group of guests. Clearly, He's very much of a people-person. He interacted with and talked to the guests, giving them a very home-like atmosphere.

"Hey Mat, there you are," Mr. Eve excused himself from the guests that he was talking to and approached Mat with a handshake.

Mat reached back to Mr. Eve. The two greeted and went to a reserved table near the balcony area.

"Dinner's on me Mat."

"Wow, thank you Mr. Eve."

Mr. Eve asked his dining staff to bring them their House Specialty, then turned back to Mat's direction and took out a tablet device. He started using it and accessed the feed of the hotel's security cameras.

"Our Head Admin already gave a very good feedback on the final test of all the security cameras. Great job Mat."

"Thank you sir," Mat nodded and smiled back.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here for the night, you can travel back to the city tomorrow morning, and you don't need to worry because your stay would be totally free."

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