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"It's seriously hard to believe what's going on right now. It's like, beyond surreal. I mean, I'm totally in the dark, with no grip on anything that's happening. It's as if someone hit pause on the entire universe and life's lost its roadmap. I can still feel the vibe from just a few hours ago when we were planning this out-of-town trip right after the last day of school. We were excited to finally have some solid, uninterrupted father-son bonding. And then, just like that, he's just... gone."

"I don't have many friends here, and family neither, it's just me and my dad," Mat let out, his words kind of heavy with the whole loneliness thing. "I just got back from a school year-end ceremony, and we were supposed to have this trip...." Unable to finish, Mat's cracked voice led him to tears.

The police officer was studying the note of the other officer. Name: Matthew Adam Age: 19 Height: 5'5" Weight: around 55-60 KG Light brown skin color, short hair, Junior college student.

In the dimly lit living room of the Adam residence, Mat sat nervously, facing the two police officers. The shock of his father's murder was still fresh, and he struggled to comprehend the events of the past few hours.

"Mat, do you know who could have done this?" one of the officers asked, his tone gentle yet probing.

Mat shook his head, trying to collect his thoughts. "I have no idea. My father never mentioned any enemies or threats."

The other officer glanced at his notes and asked, "What about your mother? Is she around?" Mat's eyes darkened with sadness. "No, she passed away when I was young."

As the officers continued their interview, a mysterious woman watched from a distance, her presence hidden among concerned neighbors trying to piece together what had happened. She observed Mat closely, her eyes filled with intrigue and concern.

With the night settling in, the officers departed, leaving Mat alone in the now-empty house. Seated on his father's couch beside the coffee table, he remained there, tears still streaming down his face. He pondered who could be responsible for his father's fate. And then, a realization struck him. His father's new journal, the one that should have been on the coffee table, was nowhere to be found. "Wait, there's another one, the first book. It's hidden somewhere here," Mat thought determinedly. Driven by a desperate need for answers, he began scouring the bookshelf. The weight of grief and the burning desire to unearth the truth bore heavily upon his shoulders.

Mat recalled a hidden compartment of the bookshelf and reached for it, and there it is, the old book lay concealed within a secret compartment. It was the very first book his father had written, and as Mat carefully opened it, he stumbled upon a page filled with hand-drawn images of celestial-like creatures—beings having two or more pairs of wings and numerous eyes. The images were mysterious, evoking a sense of awe and wonder in Mat's heart.

Mat recalled a sentimental memory, transporting him back to his younger days when he would ask his father about these intriguing drawings. His father's voice echoed in his mind, as vivid as it had been then, explaining that those were "angels in their true form." A young Mat had been captivated, asking about something more familiar about what he knew about angels like the chubby cherubs and adult in flowing white robes with outstretched wings that he had seen in paintings and stories.

Mat smiled as he remembered his father's response, explaining that angels had the ability to assume any form they needed, even taking on a human appearance. However, in doing so, their celestial powers were somewhat reduced. Yet, once they returned to their true form, they would regain their full strength and abilities.

In the middle of his reminiscing, Mat's forehead creased in confusion, and he playfully teased his father, asking how he came to possess such knowledge. Had he spoken to a real angel or perhaps an expert on celestial beings? His father had simply smiled back, leaving Mat to wonder about the hidden depths of his father's experiences.

In the present moment, Mat found himself tracing the delicate lines of the hand-drawn images with his forefinger. He whispered to himself, "True form, huh?" The words hung in the air, lingering with an unspoken mystery. As he closed the book, a newfound curiosity ignited within him, urging him to uncover the secrets concealed in the pages and embark on a journey that would forever alter his perception of reality and the celestial wonders that awaited him.

"Wait, so where is the new book that he was working with lately?" Mat suddenly thought.

The lights flickered, and after a few seconds, it totally went off. With the house now covered in darkness, Mat's heart raced as he felt an eerie presence in the room. A gust of wind sent chills down his spine. Fearing danger, he quickly reached for his phone, using its flashlight to lighten the room.


Suddenly, an unseen force knocked him to the floor, leaving him bewildered and frightened. Mat had always believed in the supernatural, but he had never experienced anything like this before. As he tried to make sense of the inexplicable events, he felt a movement behind him but found no one there upon turning.

In the next moment, a powerful surge of energy filled the room as a blinding light burst forth. Before he could react, the door slammed open, and a figure appeared before him. It was the same mysterious woman who had been watching him.

"You're not safe here alone," she said with an air of authority.

"Who are you?" Mat managed to stammer, struggling to grasp the situation.

"I'm Lily. I knew your father. I'll explain everything, but right now, we have to go. Your life is in danger," urgency laced her voice.

"Lily? Lily Winterfrost?" Mat uttered. "You were the one who bought all of my father's first books and told him to stop writing about it."

"Yes, that's me. But there seems to be a misunderstanding. I asked him to stop publishing his work, not to stop writing. I did buy all of his books, and I informed him that any future versions or new content would be exclusively purchased by me."

A mixture of fear and curiosity surged within Mat. He resisted for a moment but eventually followed the woman into a waiting car, leaving behind the enigmatic secrets hidden within his father's journal. Little did he know, this was just the start of his journey. The truth he sought would lead him to a destiny far beyond his wildest imagination.

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