OLD VERSION: Revelation of the Seal (Prologue)

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A loud crack of thunder roared across the misty grassland. A young man raced through the tall grass, panting. It was a dark place he never wanted to be.He reached for the light, but all that was left was darkness.The mist obscured almost everything, but he could tell that someone out there was calling for him. He would help them if only there was anything he could do. He kept running until one of these unknown being managed to catch the hem of his pants, causing him to crash onto the wet soil. A pale voice cried out, "Help us, please!"

Time was running out. Before he knew it, he was up again rushing through the grass. For a moment, he could not even feel the violent dripping of sweat on his forehead or the heaviness of his breathing. He just wanted to get out of there.Something hit him hard from behind.


Still panting, he stopped and tried to remain calm while focusing all his senses to any sudden movement that would occur. He felt the cold breeze softly swirling behind him.Then he saw this light image symbol of a fish in his mind.In an instant, his left clenched fist slowly lit up, and caught the lurking creature by its throat. He could not see it clearly, but with the light that was glowing from his own hand, he knew he saw a rat-faced humanoid creature."Mat Adam," the creature said in a very spine-chilling voice. It struggled wildly and was able to escape from Mat's grip.Mat was about to grab that creature again, but he saw a light beaming from another direction. Mat slowly stepped back facing the unseen creature, and then quickly bolted away to the opposite direction.

"It is time, Mat Adam."

This time, the words he heard came from a very familiar voice.He reached the edge of the cliff facing the door image made of light hanging three meters above the ground. A wrong move could send him to this eternal pit of darkness.Once again, he saw the fish symbol appear in his mind, but this time, it appeared with four new symbols behind it; The cross-like shape with a head; a Japanese character for light; an ethnic drawn sun; and lastly, the butterfly.Mat took several steps back and had a deep breath filling his lungs with air, hoping for a successful exit. A sigh initialized his run and with a full thrust, he leaped and braced himself before entering this light portal.

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